5 Ways That You Can Use AI Chatbots for Your Business

5 Ways That You Can Use AI Chatbots for Your Business

Brand owners have numerous concerns and fears. One of them is brand non-recognition and the other is business failure. There’s no telling that the competition keeps getting fierce. If you are a newbie, you need to come up with strategies on how to work around the big names in your industry. In the same breath, if you are a pro, you cannot trifle with the overwhelming advent of disruptive technologies that may render your brand personality obsolete.

The sure-fire way to make things work is to pick up the pace. You need to stand straight and consider leveraging the latest technologies and solutions. Al Chatbots is one of those latest technologies that can help you to elevate your game.

The custom dissertation has stated that chatbot marketing has become a popular expression in global business. Its advantages have caught the attention of more businesses. In any case,  brands leverage chatbots using artificial intelligence (Al).

Are you wondering why some brands plow money into chatbots?

It’s because the customer service industry, finance industry, sales, and many others rely on chatbots to carry out their operations.

Before we dive into how you can use chatbots for your business, let’s explore what they are and their benefits.

What Al Chatbot is

An Al Chatbot is a computer tool that can mimic human conversations on the internet. They utilize conversational intelligence to achieve that. This tool leverages machine learning and natural language mechanisms to work around questions that come from human users. The chatbots communicate with users either via voice chats, messages, or both.

Bots serve as programmed online assistants. They can send text messages via any platform such as social media channels, bank apps, forums, and live chat applications.

Chatbots have similar conversational patterns to humans. They are programmed to approach common queries and respond to them within the shortest possible time. The welcome part is that you can access chatbots at any time of the day.

You will agree that every excellent concept has its downsides. It applies to chatbots. While they have their disadvantages, they are getting better and smarter. Soon enough, bots may replicate human intervention in the most significant way. It’s because they are very receptive to mimicking our conversations.

Chatbots help you to automate client interaction and provide an effective chat support system.

How do they work?

As we have stated earlier, bots leverage natural language mechanisms and machine learning to carry out their operations.

Natural language processing is an aspect of artificial intelligence that helps machines to interpret human language. The goal of the tool is to create systems that can carry out activities like translation, responding to the hard questions, and many others. This way, bots can interact with human users in the language they understand. It follows that the conversation becomes an interaction between two human beings.

Natural language processing in bots comprises two processes. Let’s look at them.

·        Natural Language Generation: It converts programmed data into text. This way, human users can comprehend the conversation.

·        Natural Language Understanding: It helps chatbots to comprehend human language. So it transforms the text into programmed data for the bot to understand.

Let’s explore four other methods that natural language processing often utilizes.

·        Parsing

It is the grammatical perusal of a sentence. Also, it involves breaking the text into parts of speech. That is to say, ate = verb, fish = noun, and many others. Parsing works better with complex processing activities.

·        Stemming

Stemming will break the texts with inflections into their root structures. For instance, in the sentence, “The girl cried,” the algorithm will know that the root of the word “cried” is “cry.” It is crucial when the user attempts to analyze a text and its conjugations. The system will be able to tell that it is the same word even though there are different letters.

·        Word Sense Disambiguation

It carves out the meaning of a word from its context.

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·        Word Segmentation

It carves out the meaning of a word from the word forms present in it.

Types of Chatbots

Let’s explore the three types of  Chatbots.

Al-Powered Chatbots

Al-powered chatbots utilize two types of chatbots. These chatbots leverage advanced machine learning, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing to comprehend and recall the background of the conversation. They also understand and recall the human user’s preferences.

Rule-based Bots

How do the rule-based bots work? It allows users to use bots through pre-set options and clicking on buttons. However, it restricts how users make choices. In any case, these bots cannot respond to customers’ queries within the shortest possible time.

Intellectually Independent Bots

Intellectually independent bots leverage machine learning mechanisms to understand users’ requests. Programmers can optimize these chatbots to comprehend specific keywords that could trigger their responses. As time goes on, the bots can learn to interpret more questions.

Amazing Benefits of Using  Al-powered Chatbot

Now that you know how chatbots operate, the types of bots that most brands utilize, it’s time to explore the benefits of bots.

Forbes attests to the fact that bots are almost replicating human intervention. In other words, it spells doom for some human tasks. However, it is a welcome development from a business standpoint.

In the first place, the advantages of bots are a harbinger of luxury for users or consumers. Of course, any tool that enhances the client experience and strengthens brand loyalty is a fantastic thing.

Let’s explore the benefits of using Al chatbots for business.

Minimizes Face-to-Face Interactions with Clients

Chatbots reduce the time that employees spend managing customer queries.

By allowing your client support staff to utilize chatbots, you can minimize their interaction periods on all platforms such as social media, phone calls, and many others. It is one of the most significant benefits of chatbots especially the al-powered ones.

Humanizes Businesses

You will agree that chatbots are flexible in operation. So its flexibility makes it easier to interact with customers in different capacities. It means that brands can utilize it to support people with account management, inventory management, technical support, and many others.

You can optimize chatbots to have a persona that matches your role such as a quirky personal nurse or affable sales assistant.

Facebook gave their chatbot “Facebook Messenger Chatbot.” It’s a friendly bot that interacts with over 1.3 billion people who use Facebook every month.

The humanization of chatbots is an excellent way to build healthy client relationships as it helps to communicate your brand value. It also allays customers’ concerns about conversing with chatbots.

Minimizes Unnecessary Stress for Users

One of the most significant benefits of chatbots is stress management.

Research has it that most users find it difficult to reach out to the customer service team of a brand.  Some people dread the phone calls since the customer agent(s) may not pick them at the earliest time. On the other hand, other people find them socially challenging.

In any case, a chatbot is one of the most efficient channels for customer dispute resolution.

Enhances Targeted Marketing

Brand awareness is at the heart of the marketing goals of every company. They constantly market their existing products and services to draw the attention of more customers.

Chatbots can help businesses to relay their brand message to a target audience. In short, you can utilize bots to build effective communication with potential users and build brand loyalty.

Helps to Grow your Brand

One of the greatest benefits of al-powered chatbots is that they help to manage your brand by reaching more leads and boosting your client base. Chatbots enable you to enhance the activities of your brand.

Al chatbots boost client engagement by creating customized interactions with users. It also offers trustable shopping options based on their previous purchasing behavior and preferences. Plus, they could help your potential customers to work around every part of the transaction and respond to every question as they come.

Based on the picture that we have painted about chatbots earlier, you will agree that they can evaluate client behavior. You can utilize them to send the right messages to the right individual at any time.

You can also expand your reach by networking with a significant number of potential clients through social media chatbots. For instance, Uber leverages bots to allow its clients to book their orders via Facebook Messenger. This way, they can generate more leads and provide a tailored experience for their clients.

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Al chatbots also help businesses to up their game in terms of brand value. They achieve this by catching client attention through previous interactions. Hence, bots help you to quickly garner and evaluate client feedback and then utilize it to interact with the right individuals appropriately.

Constant Updates with Machine Learning

In most cases, chatbots require constant analysis and optimization. It’s crucial to monitor its activities based on relevant factors such as usability, user experience, and many others. By doing so, you can enhance the bot experience and cook up necessary changes to attain specific business goals.

Do you want to improve your chatbot experience? Let’s explore a few ways on how to achieve that.

  • Setting relevant goals.
  • Add additional details about your brand.
  • Adding new products and services.
  • Introducing new and more attractive offers.

Chatbots keep evolving and you need to evolve with them. However, you must remain receptive to changes to enjoy their benefits. It would help not to stick to a service that will cost you a lot more for a non-customized solution.

Improves seamless Real-Time Communication

It’s in human nature not to play too much around when there are no prompt solutions. A customer’s patience will run thin when there is an issue with a product and the brand does not provide solutions quickly.

If you have incorporated chatbots into your client service system, it would help to simplify its operations for users. As most brands now utilize this in smartphone apps, you shouldn’t allow your clients to waste time trying to reach out to your staff.

5 Ways You Can Leverage Chatbots for your Business

As we have stated earlier, brands leverage Al chatbots to improve their client experience. Bots are available around the clock and provide solutions to customers’ questions. You can optimize them to send goodwill messages to customers or even remind them about a product or service.

Research has it that most clients want the brands to interact with them directly. Bots help to make that happen. Now that you know their benefits, let’s look at the 5 common and practical ways to use them for your business.

Lead Generation

Al chatbots will boost your lead generation efforts. They can garner the email addresses and phone numbers of all the clients who interact with them and store them. You can send blast emails to these leads and encourage them to opt for your products and services.

Increase Social Media Presence

Social media has become a significant part of our lives. Currently, we cannot estimate the number of people that utilize it. People also look out for their favorite businesses via social media and leverage it to find solutions to their problems. When you integrate Al chatbots into your social media channels, your clients will have no issues with getting prompt solutions.

Increase Organizational Efficiency

Bots can help you to reduce the high costs that come with recruiting a large customer service team. They can manage a large number of questions and minimize your workload.  At the same time, they are less prone to mistakes and don’t forget things. They can respond to clients promptly too. It doesn’t matter if there are 15 to 200 queries at a time. In short, a chatbot can respond to them efficiently without any issues. This way, your organizational efficiency will improve.

Communicate Brand Message

The first thing that comes to mind when you want to utilize chatbots for business is their goals. What do you want to achieve by using them? Your goals might be the needs of your audience. You can leverage your bot to meet users’ expectations. It could be answers to their queries, explaining an article, and many others.

In any case, you should know the intent behind your idea of using chatbots. This way, you can communicate your brand message and goals efficiently to your target audience.

Selecting the platform

You can either opt for a Facebook chatbot or a webpage bot. But it may not materialize in some cases. Are you wondering why? It all comes to your target audience.

You will need to define the type of platform your audience uses to interact with you and then create a bot for it. At the same time, such a move can help you identify the right platforms for brand awareness.

Final Thoughts

Online conversational marketing is the new oil. It would transform customer service mechanisms. Chatbots will spearhead conversational marketing.  It’s not too late for you to start leveraging bots and compete with other industry players.

A bot can enhance usability, minimize workload and increase revenue.

Author Bio

Eun Rockwell is a blogger and academic writer from the UK who works with essay service. She likes trying new subjects. Eun is always focused on proving her worth as a writer in new and challenging writing areas at this site. Her hobbies are reading books and traveling. You can reach her via Twitter @rockwell_eun_ .


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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