5 Ways To Use Technology To Become A Better Essay Writer

Technology is an integral part of our society, and when society mostly depends on education and growth, technology in education can be a mesmerizing solution.

Well, we are on the verge of a technological revolution in the 21st century. So, we cannot avoid the emergence of technology in our society. It is evident that technology is luring our motion toward success. Even if you talk about education, EdTech’s performance is skyrocketing.

Global education technology is expected to reach $404 billion by 2025.

Apart from that, students are also in favor of EdTech. Most students feel that they can bring more grades with the help of an online education process.

However, with the prominence of technology, students are still confused about their essay assignments. Well, we know that written assignments are mostly time-based, and there is always a deadline to follow. 

But that cannot be the reason for failure for most students. In fact, students still remain in a dilemma about how to complete their essay papers properly within the given time. 

If you are in the same dilemma, you are not using technology at its best. When there is technology, your job is half done in advance.

Ways To Use Technology To Become A Better Essay Writer 

Being an integral part of writing, essays are always on the priority list for students. You can make it, or you can sink in.

However, becoming a good essay writer during your initial college days can be fruitful for your entire life. No matter how difficult your daily schedule is, if you do not complete your writing assignments, it will directly affect your grades.

So, whether necessary or prominent depends on you, but becoming a good essay writer always has a different priority base. Well, if we start discussing why becoming a good essay writer is important in our life, there is a lot to say, and you probably know it already. 

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However, here we are more interested in discussing technological features that you can use to ease your essay writing process. Here we are eager to share with you some prominent steps of technology that you can use to create a good essay paper altogether. 

Find Out Better Samples

Writing an essay paper sometimes becomes difficult for us just because we don’t know the pattern. On the other hand, we generally start writing without knowing or forming the pattern correctly. 

But you have to understand the fact that writing an introduction in advance will not take you to the completion of a whole paper. In return, it can wholly ruin your concept on the essay paper. 

So, it’s time to think differently and do things with prominence. 

For instance, you can go through Fresh Essays and, by grabbing their samples, try to understand essay patterns for different topics and requirements. 

Try Reusable Notebooks

Reusing your notebook is a great idea for creating a masterpiece. We all know that practice makes a person perfect.

So, considering reusable notebooks should be among your top priorities. No matter how cumbersome it is for you to create a better essay paper, if you have enough space for rough writing, it will help you strengthen the shape and concept as well. 

An essay paper needs various research processes and steps to initiate better writing altogether. This type of process you cannot do on normal paper, or you will not want to waste so much paper. But if you use reusable notebooks together with an erasable pen, it will help you initiate a final solution with better monitoring. 

Leverage Writing Enhancement Tools

When it’s about using technology at its best, you cannot neglect the various tools that help shape your writing process. Not every student is a good writer, and that’s where they feel tension. 

On the other hand, writing a good essay paper will need better writing skills. Expressing your thoughts through writing is difficult. You will only become successful when the reader understands you properly.

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So, using tools like Grammarly will help you get rid of writing mistakes. Well, not only that, but these writing tools will help you to initiate better sentence structure, formatting, and grammar as well.

You Can Subscribe To Ebooks

Becoming a better essay writer is not always about showing your skills but also about using various skills at times. So, the more you utilize things, the better it becomes.

Essay writing is not just about writing thoroughly, but a main part of it is related to concise research. While you are good with the research process, you will know things better on the particular subject matter, and it will ultimately help you to create an essay paper with the important information included in it. 

Without proper research, your professor or the instructor might find the whole paper incomplete in the end. 

So, it’s better to go through various books and pre-existing journals and articles first. No matter what you do and how many libraries you visit, it will not be enough to complete an essay within a tight deadline. 

Let’s say you have just one week to complete the paper! 

What will be your strategy?

Well, it’s better to go for eBooks. You can subscribe to it to get thousands of access to eBooks and journals, and research articles. Now it will be easy for you to extend your area of research while at home.

Use Noise-Cancellation Headphones To Get Rid Of Unnecessary Interruptions

We often fall into trouble due to family interruptions. When we study, we do not want to waste a minute. Moreover, losing concentration due to interruptions is hard to cover. 

Sometimes you will find it even more difficult when you are already in a research process, and suddenly some noise or voice breaks your concentration. 

Well, we have a technological solution for you.

Using noise-canceling headphones might seem uncanny, but it is a great way of avoiding unnecessary interruptions. With the prominence of technology, we can now grab budget-friendly noise-canceling headphones. 

Apart from that, you can also use plagiarism-checking tools to ensure that your written paper is unique before submitting it.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.