Can Online Learning replace Traditional Schooling in 2021?

During the pandemic, online learning has proven its worth as a credible alternative for traditional education. As students from all across the world experienced the online school benefits, its potential also came in limelight.
Presently, online education is one of the growing trends in education
The power of online education to beat all odds is all set to rule the education industry. Today, this growing popularity of online learning is also a topic for discussion. We all are keen to know the answer to the question, ‘is online learning going to replace traditional schooling in 2021?’
As the ultimate aim of the education industry is to improve the learning experiences of students, online learning can certainly replace traditional schooling to a great extent.
It is important to know the varied dimensions of online learning tools to understand its possibility to be a new normal.
Here are some reasons why online learning can replace traditional learning in 2021:
The pandemic is still impacting our lives–
The new-year 2021 has certainly brought hopes and aspirations for each one of us. However, we cannot deny the fact that the world is still struggling with the threats of the pandemic. Online learning platform for schools and distance learning post-secondary institutions can help students to stay safe from the threats of the deadly virus.
Online education is better than traditional–
The benefits of online school have proved to the world that it is possible to deliver personalized instructions to each student. Off late students and stakeholders have also experienced some unsung advantages of online learning. It is believed that these benefits can help each student to thrive academically.
It has a wider reach-
Be it a gifted student or a slow learner, online classroom environment provides a safer and better option for each student despite their different learning needs. Even for disabled students, a recognized online school offers convenient and credible options that allow them to do away with traveling and other factors that can act as barriers to their education.
It can bring down your cost of education–
Another striking feature of online education that can make it a new normal is its reduced cost. Online education has a lower overall cost in terms of infrastructure, staff, study material, etc. Eventually, the overall cost that flows down to the student is also lower. Students can save a considerable amount through online learning tools.
It is accessible at any point in time-
Despite several efforts, the world still struggles with the high numbers of out-of-school children and drop-out rates. Among these barriers to universal inclusion, recognized online schools offers solutions. Students who cannot continue their education in traditional institutions can switch to flexible online mediums and still manage to complete their education on time. These trends in education can help the non-traditional students greatly.
Now, let’s move on to some facts that can help us to understand the future of online learning in the year 2021:
- As per Statista, 14 EdTech companies with a valuation of 1 billion US dollars were ranked in ‘EdTech unicorns 2020’.
- Another research shows that online classes can accommodate more than 50 or more students at a time. This figure is double the count of a traditional class that can cater to 20 to 25 students only.
- Another leading news magazine states the growth of the eLearning industry at a rate of 25%.
The Way Forward
It is now clear that online learning is here to stay. A recognized online school and its classroom environment offers various advantages to students. This age of digital education is all about to change the face of school education. Very soon, online learning will become a new normal. Let’s welcome this change and embrace it for the greater good!