Digital Marketing: Dramatic Changes & Trends to Prepare Yourself for in 2022/2023

Digital Marketing: Dramatic Changes & Trends to Prepare Yourself for in 2022/2023

Time really flies in the blink of an eye. While we were just planning for things in 2023, we’re already half-way across the year and already started visioning for 2023. Such a roller-coaster ride is more specific to the digital and IT sector where technology is turning the wheels for everyone.

The same can be said for digital marketing agencies as trends and technologies change every second, creating a tough competition for all involved to stand out from the rest. Before jumping to the trends and likelihoods of what remains of 2023 and venture into 2023, let’s have a look at things that may be responsible for a big change.

And so, the ‘Cookie’ Crumbles Finally

Google Chrome is one of the world’s most popular browsers, taking more or less 80% of all market share. However, this year, Google announced ending support to all third-party cookies which is sure to have a huge impact on how PPC advertising agencies in Dubai track their customers.

Nevertheless, much has changed in the digital world ever since the global pandemic outbreak forcing digital industries to adapt to major transformation, either willingly or simply in need of time. A few factors worth considering are:

  • Digital marketing will be more than ever critical to businesses
  • Content marketing would also follow closely in terms of importance
  • Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) marketing will gain momentum and lead the way
  • Brands need to reconsider on consumers rather than relying solely on cookie data

All that said, customer retention will be more proactive and significant for businesses along with winning new and more profitable acquisitions. It’s all going to drive competition further but, what are the most probable outcomes we’ll see in the end? Let’s have a look at strategies to prepare ourselves as we transcend into 2023.

More Investment in Virtual Events

Webinars, video conferences, zoom meetings, product launches or whatever you label; all comes under virtual/online events. It has become a new normal and a leading means for brands and businesses to reach out to wider audiences. Such events also provide the opportunity to participants in gathering valuable information directly, which is used to develop consumer profiles and buyer personas. Although online events may not amass a larger cut from the revenue, these can definitely help businesses grow and thrive in the long-run.

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Audience Ownership

In actual scenario, social media marketing platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and many more are audiences’ owners but, it’s about time you take the ownership. This is to ensure that you’re reaching out to the right audience and the actual message to be delivered is efficiently communicated. On the contrary, the dozens of Google metrics and algorithms have a greater impact on message delivery that may lose its originality and charm in all the marketing noise.

More than 500 million tweets are sent out each day whereas more than seven million businesses today use Facebook ads in reaching out to the target audience. This makes it even more important for brands to create compelling and more customised content that prompts the audience in taking an action.

Build a Stronger, Investment-Worthy Brand Image

In today’s highly competitive and saturated market, building a stronger and long-lasting image/reputation is the key to winning. And more than ever, it can only be achieved when you choose powerful words and the right means of communication without sounding too much of a salesman.

Although digital marketing here remains one of the most important part of the entire marketing strategy, it’s going to become even more expensive. This is because Google Ads also increased its price which is based mostly on bidding. Online advertisement competition has also increased significantly over the years which eventually raises the cost you’d have to pay.

Look into strategies that raise the bar for your brand organically and create awareness such as web content, video tutorial and catchy call to actions.

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Be a Thought-Leader & Educate

A general survey performed by leading digital marketing company and experts concluded that people all over the world are exposed to more or less 10,000 ads each day maximum whereas 5,000 minimum. For sure, this is one reason for brands and businesses to adopt hard-selling tactics whereas some may take their strategies further by applying a defensive means that creates a huge pressure on their direct rivals. In between the struggle, they forget the importance of educating the audience rather than forcing them to buy or being too clingy that it all gets annoying in the end.

Take example of Apple which focuses more on educating their consumers on the product benefits, what it can do to simplify users’ lives rather than taking a fierce selling approach. More and more brands now are focused on educating their core users, creating awareness and putting their efforts more in thought-leadership.

Simplicity is the New King, Not Content!

The internet is littered with content but how does it help? Users nowadays look for quick solutions rather than sifting and reading through annoying chunks of text which is why keeping things simple and direct can win rather than writing endless copies. Consumers today are more interested in high-quality, unique and strategically customised content that’s specific to each user and has the potential to tap into key pain points while providing a viable solution.

Key Takeaways

While the above details give a lot of insight on things to come in the digital marketing world, a few more key takeaways to follow are:

  • Be more personalised with your digital marketing strategy
  • Create business-to-business content
  • Take a storytelling approach
  • Go with market automation
  • Hop onto the Flywheel Model, say goodbye to the funnel

Now that we know most about the digital marketing industry as it is at the moment and where it’s all leading to, things can change rapidly given the volatility of emerging trends and technologies.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.