Do Teachers Benefit From Online Teaching?

You may have read scores of blogs about how online learning benefits students. It provides them better control over their pace of learning and makes learning convenient. At the same time, students don’t have to manually take notes as they can download online learning material and replay it as many times they want and whenever they want.
But does online teaching benefit teachers? We know that teachers were forced to conduct classes virtually due to the pandemic. Many of them struggled during the initial phase and had a hard time delivering knowledge the right way. But there is no other way as of now to educate students other than via online teaching.
So let’s look at things from a teacher’s perspective to see how online teaching benefits them.
- Easy to share information:
Contrary to popular belief, it is easier to share information with students in an online class as compared to the traditional classroom setup. Online teaching allows teachers to stay connected with their students for equipping them with learning material.
With the help of excellent cloud-based and customizable online learning platforms like Academy of mine, teachers can easily create and share online courses. It is also very convenient to upgrade the course material in case of any changes in the syllabus.
- Flexibility:
The high amount of convenience that comes with online teaching is unmistakable. Teachers can educate and can stay in touch with their students from literally any part of the world. This gives them a lot of freedom as compared to the traditional classroom scenario.
There are no compulsions on the timings, the way of delivery of information, or the tutoring methods you can use. This allows teachers to pick what works for them and it makes teaching more effortless.
- Saves time and money:
With online teaching, you end up saving a huge chunk of time that gets spent on traveling to and fro school. You can utilize this time to learn new ways of delivering learning or invest time in your own growth.
Since online teaching cuts down travel and physical printing of study material, you end up saving a lot of money. All you need is a laptop and a stable internet connection to keep providing quality education.
- Experimentation:
Online teaching has a better scope for experimentation as teachers can make use of different concepts, technologies, ideas, etc., and see what works for their students and what doesn’t.
Moreover, since students feel the lack of social engagement there is better participation from their end when teachers introduce new things. It allows students to feel connected making them willing to stay active during the classes.
- Helps build a better work-life balance:
Without the strict school schedules, teachers have the chance to do more in their life than just teach. They can invest time in their hobbies, travel, and spend more time with their loved ones.
This helps them build a better work-life balance which keeps them positive. This impacts the way they approach their work and helps them deliver learning more impactfully.
- Diverse way to help students:
The student-teacher interaction is very limited in a classroom setup. But online teaching opens up multiple channels of communication for students to interact with their teachers.
Students can request more clarity on a topic not just by speaking out during a live session but also via chat and email. This allows teachers to take their take and give students the right resolution.
As evident from these points, online teaching empowers teachers because of the flexibility and convenience it offers. Moreover, online classes also help in improving the connections between the teacher and students.