How Does Content Creation Vary By Industry

How Does Content Creation Vary By Industry

There are many ways to look at content creation. At the most basic level, there’s the type of content being created. Is it text-based? Is it visual? Is it audio? Is it a mixture of these things?

But there’s another way to think about content. It is ideal to create content according to the industry. 

The industry that a business is in can influence the types of content they create and how they do so.

This is because every industry has its specific audiences and their needs, hence different content for each category.

For example, a business in the travel sector might create a video highlighting some of the best destinations in their area.

A business in the fashion industry may produce an article about how to wear bright colors for spring. A law firm could publish an explainer video detailing how they can help with your legal issues.

The key is to figure out what type of content your audience wants and how they want to consume it. By knowing who you’re creating content for, you can tailor it specifically to their needs and desires.

Let’s take a look at different industries, what their audience or customers need, and how their content varies.


The main customers of a law firm are individuals and businesses that need legal services. 

For example, they may need help with a divorce or estate planning. They could also be looking for more general information about the law, like what constitutes a good contract or how to sue someone in court. 

A law firm’s content should be informative, educational, and entertaining so people can learn about their industry without feeling like they’re reading a textbook.

If you’re in the legal field, you want to make sure that you’re creating content that helps position your firm as an authority in the eyes of your audience.

One way to do this is by creating explainer videos about why people need a lawyer, or how to choose one for yourself. Another way to create content that your audience will love is by creating a video series. This could be something like a “how to” series, where you talk about topics like buying a house or getting divorced.

You will also want to create blog posts specific to each practice area so that people who are looking for legal advice in those areas know where they should go first when Googling around.

Public policy

Public policy is a broad term that includes everything from government legislation to corporate law.

The people that need privacy policy content are businesses, nonprofits, governments, and other organizations that are affected by public policy. 

These are the people who need to make sure they have a good privacy policy in place so that they don’t run into legal trouble down the line. You can create content for this market by writing blog posts about what’s going on in government right now, or by writing a book specifically about privacy policy.

Content for this category of the audience should be as clear as possible so that everyone can understand the key concepts, even if they don’t have industry knowledge.

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Technology is a broad industry, covering everything from software and hardware to telecoms.

Because technology is such a fast-moving field, it’s important for companies in the space to remain relevant and up to date. This means that they will need to create content about new developments, whether that be new products or services being launched by competitors.

Since the audience is more knowledgeable industry experts and CEOs, the content format can be a bit formal and technical, as opposed to the more laid-back approach of the entertainment industry.


If you’re in the education industry, your content can be created to help students learn as well as teachers and administrators.

It can even be created for industry experts; people who are paid to know about your field and teach others about it.

While learning is obviously the main objective in this field, you can tailor the content to be entertaining and interesting to help students retain their knowledge.

You can use online videos, where you can use animation or other visual elements to make the content more appealing.


Medical content is the most technical and often requires a specific style. For example, if you’re writing about medical equipment, it’s important to use terms that your readers will identify and understand.

These may be different than what you’re used to using in other types of content.

Plus, you need to make sure that the style fits with what doctors are used to reading when they look up information on the internet.

Medical content is not only for medical workers but also for patients who want more information about their condition as well as their prescriptions. Whichever category you’re writing for, make sure that your content is targeted to them.

For example, if you’re writing a blog post about medicine for doctors, then it should be written in a way that will appeal to them and provide them with the information they need.

If you’re writing for more general audiences who want to learn about different types of medical conditions, then you’ll need to explain things clearly so that people without any medical knowledge can understand what’s going on.

Real estate

When it comes to real estate content, there are several target audiences that must be considered.

For example, buyers and sellers are the central focus of many real estate websites. And of course, real estate agents and brokers need to keep up with the latest trends in order to effectively market their services.

Let’s consider the needs of real estate buyers and sellers.

If you’re writing for buyers, you’ll want to write about things like cost per square foot, historical pricing data on similar properties or nearby areas, home design trends & fads, and how much square footage is necessary for a family based on age ranges…and so on.

For sellers, it may be that they want to sell their homes in order to move into new ones or simply downsize. They will want information about decorating tips for staging their homes effectively before listing them, what kind of upgrades might increase the value if done within a certain budget range…and so forth!

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In order to write content that will satisfy your audience, you’ll need to understand them on a deeper level.


Agriculture is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, and other products used to sustain humanity.

Creating content for agricultural industries is a little different than creating content for other industries.

In most cases, your readers will be farmers and ranchers who are looking for ways to increase their production, cut down on costs, or improve their profit margins.

You’ll want to create content that helps them achieve those goals by providing valuable tips and advice on topics such as:

  • How to increase crop yields
  • The best ways to prevent diseases and pests from damaging crops
  • How to grow specific plants or animals in your region

The key is to know your audience well enough to provide them with what they need at the right time.


For a retail industry or business, the best content will help you build a loyal following by providing customers with useful information about your products.

The key is to provide content that helps customers make informed buying decisions by giving them a better understanding of what each item does and how it can benefit their lives.

This could include tips on how to use the product, cautionary tales from other users, or reviews of similar products on the market. You may also want to share industry news related to retail and offer commentary on current trends that affect your business.

The more information you can provide, the better. It’s important to remember that your customers want to know what they’re buying and why it’s worth their hard-earned money. You also want them to feel like they are part of a community or family when they shop with you.

Content that helps customers make informed buying decisions is the most valuable type of content for your business. It will keep them coming back for more and help you build a loyal following.

Final thoughts on how content creation varies by industry.

It’s clear that there is no one size fits all approach to content creation. Each industry has its own set of rules, which means your content strategy should be tailored accordingly.

The type of content that can be created is influenced by many factors other than just an industry.

However, it’s still important to consider these differences when creating content for your target audience so that it resonates with them and meets their needs. The main takeaway is that you should always aim to create content that provides value to your audience. Focus on creating content that helps inform or entertain them, rather than just promoting your products or services.

Guest Blogger

Robb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. He is passionate about helping businesses grow using the power of the internet. Robb graduated from Chapman University in Orange, CA and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. Robb enjoys writing about digital marketing, helping his clients turn their dreams into reality, and he is a HUGE Mike Trout fan.

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Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.