Enhancing Customer Experience Across Channels: Exploring Mitto’s Omnichannel Platform for Seamless Engagement

Enhancing Customer Experience Across Channels: Exploring Mitto’s Omnichannel Platform for Seamless Engagement

The age-old adage, “The customer is always right” has been repeated so many times that it’s almost lost its power. However, just because it no longer packs a punch like it used to doesn’t mean it’s not still relevant. Businesses have drastically changed over the past few decades, but customer service has remained at the root of business success. Even with all the adaptive technology which has evolved to make business interactions more exciting to the modern customer, there are still issues with engagement that it seemed no streamlined tech could solve. 

That’s where businesses like Mitto come in. Mitto AG, founded in Switzerland in 2013, is an omnichannel communication solutions provider focused on streamlining customer-business conversations in a way that is meaningful for all involved. Their platform has revolutionized the way businesses are able to interact with their customers by adapting a platform with seamless, multi-channel engagement for all app and communication needs. 

Modern Problems Surrounding Customer Engagement 

Every decade has seen its own unique problems revolving around customer engagement and support. Only two decades ago, businesses faced the challenge of offering online sales platforms for their customers. Until 2020, businesses reckoned with how to maintain the same levels of customer satisfaction online as they saw in person. However, the world saw a complete shift in customer engagement after the 2020 pandemic. The pandemic especially impacted how businesses communicate with their customers, as social distancing became the norm and app-based communication skyrocketed.

After the pandemic, businesses that relied on an in-person element struggled to engage with customers at pre-pandemic rates. For industries like air travel, brands struggled to find a way to boost programs like frequent flyer rewards in a meaningful way. The fitness industry similarly struggled with retaining & getting new memberships. Those brands with social media & robust communication with their customers fared better than those without. However, the marked shift in customer engagement was most noted in those who already had a thriving communications strategy before the pandemic. 

After 2020, customers notably expected more from the companies they worked with when it came to engaging on their preferred communications platforms. Consumer surveys noted a shift in customer satisfaction revolving around product and service turnaround time. A Mitto survey noted that 91% of respondents said that the time it takes a product to get to the door impacted how they viewed a company, and that good customer service makes waiting for that product or service easier. 

As customers waited out the quarantine and spent more time in their houses, many occupied their time with shopping. This meant they were more closely monitoring their product shipping and turnaround time. Over the year when the pandemic really took its hold, this caused customers to become increasingly dissatisfied with shipping and turnaround times. The same Mitto survey showed that over 50% of consumers have canceled a shipment outright due to a bad customer experience. And it may be that bad customer experiences are a lot more normal than one might think. Over 60% of survey respondents said that 20% of the time they receive a shipping delay, the customer experience is not good. Compensation is a good way for brands to work with poor customer satisfaction – however, fewer than 45% of the same respondents to the Mitto survey have mentioned that when they have had a shipping delay, brands have not offered compensation. 

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The Importance Of Omnichannel Engagement Methods 

The brands that did well during the pandemic were those that met the needs of the 79% of American consumers who reported needing a better customer experience after a hiccup in their order. Some of the ways they were able to manage this included providing customers with follow-up texts and other forms of regular updates, sending out personalized messages, offering them incentives, and generally ensuring they weren’t forgotten about. If this were the final answer to the question of how to engage with customers in a meaningful way in a post-pandemic world, that would make businesses’ jobs that much easier. However, even since 2020, customer service expectations have evolved. 

Over 90% of Mitto respondents said they were likely to remain patient about shipping delivery delays if the brand was associated with good customer service. In a world dominated by digital communication, it is now more important to focus on the quality of CX interactions rather than the time to turnaround. That means instead of using any sort of technology at a company’s disposal to expedite customer service interactions, personalization is key. Today’s customers want follow-up texts that feel human. They want incentives that work for their needs. And, most importantly, they want to communicate at times and via apps that they regularly use. That’s where Omnichannel Solutions comes in, and Mitto is one of the global leaders in omnichannel communication platforms. 

Exploring Mitto’s Role In Providing Omnichannel Solutions To Customers: Case Studies 

To explore the role Mitto AG has had in omnichannel communication in a rapidly evolving communications climate, it’s helpful to examine case studies done on some of their largest clientele. Among others, Mitto has provided service to Roche and Growsari. All have unique cases which showcase just how versatile a good omnichannel messaging campaign and platform can be.


Roche Biotech provides pharmaceuticals and in-vitro diagnostics to a variety of different healthcare fields and disease researchers. As well as being 127 years old, Roche has been integral in medicine development during and after the Industrial Revolution. The World Health Organization has named 30 of the medicines developed by Roche as essential medicines. Having been around for as long as it has, one might expect Roche to have no problem with its consumer communication campaigns. However, that did not stop the innovative company from trying to step up its communication efforts. 

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So, Roche adopted Mitto Conversations as part of their approach. “We wanted to deliver more personal experiences to our customers and communicate via the channels of their choice.” Nikola Guberinic of Roche mentioned in a recent interview. Roche is no stranger to advancing technology, as the betterment of its products depends upon it. Mitto initially chose Viber as their main conversational tool for business, but they found it limited their ability to help customers, monitor conversations, and personalize interactions, which is why they turned to Mitto Conversations.

By using Mitto Conversations, a platform that allows businesses to monitor all interactions across all their channels from one single place, Roche was able to increase their open rates on Viber from 40% to 75%. While the efficiency of the platform played into the success of this, a big part of the success was due to their ability to personalize messages based on their interactions. 


Growsari is an innovative Filipino B2B e-commerce startup for sari-sari stores all over the Philippines. It allows store owners to manage their business and provides them with tools to help them better reach their customers. Recently, Growsari turned to Mitto to help them improve their messaging options. Over their time working with Mitto, Growsari was able to lower its cost for SMS services by 30%. Mitto also worked with changes in Filipino SMS regulations to allow Growsari to transition without any trouble. 

Says Sid Kongara of the company’s partnership with Mitto, “We’ve worked with a number of suppliers for SMS and other similar products over the years, but the engagement and support from Mitto really stood out. We feel like a key account with every concern addressed immediately, and proactive outreach at all times to head off potential problems.”

One of the key takeaways from the case studies and from Mitto’s experience is that customers using omnichannel solutions do often need ongoing support to make the transition from one or multiple apps. The best way to do this? 24/7 customer support. And as Mitto’s specialty, the client service doesn’t stop at the services their consumers provide. 

Nikola Guberinic of Roche stated, “Mitto’s client service is impeccable, and they are open to upgrading their platform based on user feedback. The Conversations platform is so easy to use. It makes our communications very professional for end users!” 

Emphasizing ease of use, personalization, and customer service is key to what Mitto does best, proving the company practices what it preaches. 

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Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.