How To Get More Accurate Search Volume Data In Effective Keyword Research

How To Get More Accurate Search Volume Data In Effective Keyword Research

Search Volume is quite a frequently used metric when doing keyword research. Still, businesses focus less on the search volume data as compared to the other metrics, like CTR (click-through-rate), CPC (cost per click), etc. Furthermore, with more and more keyword research tools available in the market, it is found that different tools provide different search volumes for the same keyword.

On top of it, these search volumes also differ from what the Google Keyword Planner shows. So, is there any way to get more accurate search volume data in effective keyword research? We’ll discuss this later in the article. First, let’s know what search volume is and why it matters.

What Is Keyword Search Volume?

According to PPCexpo, keyword search volume is the number or volume of searches for a specific keyword. This data is generally averaged over a timeframe and let the marketers know how competitive a search term is or how these keywords will drive traffic over time.

But why does keyword search volume matter?

Well, everyone knows that search engines are the way through which websites attract more visitors or traffic. If you use the wrong keyword, or no one is searching for the keyword you have targeted, how would anyone find your content?

Similarly, if you are only using the keywords with high search volume, you will struggle to compete with the competitors and rank your content. Thus, you should target the keywords with real search volume.

Search volume plays a crucial role in PPC bidding strategy too. Keywords or phrases with high search volume are more competitive and expensive. In order to optimize your campaign and maximize your return, you should use keywords with accurate search volume.

How To Get More Accurate Search Volume Data Using Google Keyword Planner?

To get started, you need a Google account. Once you land the Google Keyword Planner, you will get two options-

  • Discover new keywords
  • Get search volume and forecasts.

You can choose either of these options. They will take you to the same tool with different views.

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The first option (discover new keywords) helps you find new keyword ideas based on the keyword you enter. Then, they will ask for your website’s URL. However, it’s optional and doesn’t make any difference because you are just researching for keywords.

Then, you will get suggestions on related keywords based on the search terms or keywords you put in. There is another option that displays estimated clicks, impressions, or cost of the keywords you entered. This is where you can find the most accurate search volume data.

Getting Accurate Search Volume Data

First, choose the keywords you are most interested in. You can choose from Exact Match, Broad Match, and Phrase Match. Nowadays, Google bundles search terms together. Thus, it’s good to with Broad Match. Or you can use both Exact Match and Broad Match.

Once you have chosen the keyword type, click ‘Add Keywords.’

A pop-up will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click ‘View Forecast.’ It will show the same view as the ‘Get Search Volume and Forecasts’ in the previous steps. This table is updated and displays accurate data and the average monthly search volume you would have seen if you have chosen the second option.

After that, you have to enter the highest possible CPC. If you are a PPC advertiser, it will give you information about how many clicks or traffic you can expect. However, if you are an SEO expert, the number of clicks won’t appear interesting because organic search and CTR are two different things.

Since we are discussing the search volume, the ‘impressions’ column data is the most useful. You can download this data and compile the keywords that will give more accurate results.

You Can Estimate The Traffic Value Of A Keyword

Google keyword research tool also tells about the estimated CPC. Though it shows the cost of a click, it also gives some idea of the value of the visitors, as well as overall traffic you will get from a keyword. Just multiple the estimated number of impressions with the CPC.

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Remember, it doesn’t tell how much revenue you will potentially generate. But, it is a great tactic for comparing the keywords with each other.

Google Trends For Search Volume Data

Google Trends is another tool from Google that can be used to find search volume data. This tool offers data from different perspectives, like popularity, growth or decline data for specific search terms, etc.

This information can be used for figuring out branded terms associated with generic keywords. While this tool provides interesting data, it still doesn’t tell how competitive a search query is.

It’s All About Balancing The Search Volume With Competition

Volume and competitiveness are two important factors to keep in mind while deciding the right keyword search volume to target. If a keyword has a high search volume, it means it has a high impression rate. But, it is likely to be highly competitive too!

If you bid on these search terms in your PPC campaign, it might be harder for you to rank. Thus, knowing the right search terms to target depends on your goals.

If you have a new website, start by targeting low-competition, low volume keywords. On the other hand, if you already have strong organic rankings, you can target slightly competitive keywords to maintain your online position.


There are so many keyword research tools out there. However, if you are just starting your journey, Google Keyword Planner is a great choice. Google is getting smarter day by day at understanding all types of search queries the audience puts into it. If you know how to use this tool to find the most accurate search volume, you can ace your marketing efforts.

Hopefully, this article has provided you with enough knowledge about finding a more accurate search volume in keyword research. Once you discover the right keywords with accurate search volume to target, SEO, or PPC campaign optimization becomes easy!


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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