How to Optimize your Website for SEO in 7 Simple Steps

How to Optimize your Website for SEO in 7 Simple Steps

You have a business and want to make your way into the digital space??? Or you have an existing website that needs a revamp??? In short, be it building a new website or revamping an existing website, having a well-designed website with the right content is a must.

This is a must because a website is your first window to interact with the users. It is also the key platform that would help you raise the SEO ranks. With such importance to the website, it is essential to know SEO website optimization. So, here we bring you 7 simple steps to optimize your website.

  1. Get the keywords right: The first step towards SEO website optimization is to get the keywords in place. Finalising the keywords is the base for the entire process of optimization because based on these keywords, the content, the tags, descriptions, etc would be decided. So, you must do a bit of research while choosing your keywords. The best way to pick keywords is to wear your customer’s hat and check what would you be looking out for if you were your business’ customer. For example, if you have pet feed store, switch to being the consumer and ask what are the words that you would key in if you were to search for a pet feed store.
  2. Write quality content: Once your keywords are in place, it’s time to write what your business is all about. And when you are writing for your website, honesty is the key. Whatever you write should stand true of what you are as a business. While writing content for your website, try to tell your story and not to sell yourself. Another aspect to remember is, don’t try to stuff your content with keywords. Many a times to get more visibility, you are tempted to use keywords more often making the content looked shabbily stitched. Therefore, keep your website content crisp, interesting and use keywords smartly.
  3. URL management: Many times while working on your website, we tend to neglect the URLs. But an effective optimization does include URLs. In other words, it is good to incorporate one of the keywords into the URL. for example if you deal with organic beauty products then in your URL keep the most searched keyword i.e. organic skin care products or organic beauty care.
  4. Be watchful of page titles: As much as the content, it is equally important to pay attention to page titles. In short, it is imperative to have engaging and interesting page titles. Your page titles are the answers to the seeking users. In other words, your page title decides whether your user would skim through the page or move on. Therefore, ensure that your page titles are engaging and give precise information of what exactly the page holds.
  5. Review and enhance: Once you are done with the content by infusing the right keywords, tags and descriptions, it’s essential to go back to the content and give it a read as a user. Therefore, revisit the content, see if it narrates your story and in the end, see if there is any scope to infuse secondary keywords anywhere in the content without affecting the flow and narration.
  6. Aim to create an experience: If you thought website optimization is all about using the content then you have mistaken. Website optimization also includes giving your website a very good UI/UX experience. In simple words, the design, the navigation and the smooth transition from one page to another is called the UI/UX experience in a nutshell. Also, websites that easily load and are accessible through mobiles are preferred by users. Therefore, when you are getting website design done, ensure to get it done with experts who understand the dynamics of what a user expects while browsing the net.
  7. Have the expert advice: Last but can be called the final words of wisdom is that, though managing digital space looks simple and easy, it is to be remembered that it has many layers to it. Therefore, knowing how to do optimization is a good thing but planning to do it by self may be a risky choice. Therefore, till you get a hack of the SEO journey, it is always suggested to have experts from the field guiding you. A simple online search will get you a list of SEO service providers.
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However, if you are keen in doing SEO for yourself, then we are sure that the tips give above would definitely help dive through the dynamics of the digital space. Honestly, SEO is nothing but streamlined common sense and when it is backed by technical aspects you can definitely deal with it by yourself. Whatever may be your choice, but remember that optimizing your website is a MUST.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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