JEE Main 2021: What the Past Year’s Cutoffs Say?

JEE Main 2021: What the Past Year’s Cutoffs Say?

The National Testing Agency will unleash the cutoff of JEE Main 2021 on the conclusion of the fourth session of it. No separate qualifying JEE cutoff marks for every JEE 2021 session are going to be released. It must be taken into account that the cutoff of JEE Main examination is of 2 types. The first is the qualifying cutoff and the second is the admission cutoff. The cut off is going to be announced in conjunction with the declaration of JEE Main result 2021 for the final part.

The qualifying JEE Main 2021 cutoff is going to be the minimum marks needed for qualifying the JEE Main 2021 examination and conjointly for taking part in JEE Advanced. JEE Main 2021 admission cutoff are the marks needed for admission in JEE participating institutes. Candidates, in this article will be able to check here JEE Main cut off 2021 marks for varied years. JEE Main 2021 cutoffs are going to be updated here as released by JoSAA authorities for JEE Main 2021.

The phase 4 examination of JEE Main 2021 is being conducted from Aug 26 to Sept 2, 2021. National Testing Agency (NTA) will declare the JEE Main result at once the exams are concluded.

The authorities announced the final answer key of JEE Main 2021 3rd phase examination on August 5. Candidates were allowed to lift objections against the NTA JEE Main answer key 2021 until July 31 (5 pm).

JEE Main 2021 Cut-Off is going to be announced on the successful conclusion of all the four examination sessions. Candidates are going to be provided admission into B.Tech and B.Arch courses through JEE Main examination.

On the idea of cut-off marks, students can get admission in numerous government and private establishments

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As there are two kinds of qualifying cutoffs, JEE Main 2021 qualifying cutoff refers to the cutoff score needed by the candidates to be eligible for making an attempt to the JEE Advanced 2021. JEE Main 2021 admission cutoff is the minimum eligibility needed by the candidates to be eligible for admission in NITs, IIITs, CFITs and alternative participating institutes.

Expected Qualifying JEE Main 2021 Cutoff Marks

While the declaration of the cut off marks from JoSAA is still due and expected to be released soon, we’ve calculated the range of JEE Main expected cut off that may be applicable for admissions within the current session.

These ranges are calculated keeping in mind the trends that followed in previous sessions just like the cut-off for JEE Mains in 2018, 2017, 2016, and so on.

Category JEE Cutoff
Common Rank List (CRL) 90- 95
GEN-EWS 70- 75
Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) 70- 75
Scheduled Caste (SC) 50- 55
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 40- 45
PwD 1-2

So, reckoning on the class a candidate belongs to, one might expect to induce admission in B.Tech/B.E/B.Arch courses in collaborating institutes as per the JEE Main cut off ranges for 2021. As per the cut-offs by JoSAA, candidates ought to sit for counseling to induce admissions within the twenty three IITs, 25 IIITs, thirty one NITs & twenty eight GFTIs all over India.

There will be an appropriate administration for the counseling and admission procedure when the JEE Advanced cutoffs will be declared.

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Previous Years’ Cutoff of JEE Main

The cutoffs of JEE Main 2020, 2019, and alternative years can be found from the table below.

Candidates might observe the JEE Main previous year qualifying cutoff marks for reference purposes as of now since the authorities are yet to announce JEE Main cutoff 2021.

Category Cutoff
Common Rank List (CRL) 90
Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) 72
Scheduled Caste (SC) 50
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 39
PwD 0.061

Qualifying JEE Main Cut off 2019

Category Paper 1 Based NTA TOTAL Score Cutoff
Common Rank List (CRL) 89
Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) 74
Scheduled Caste (SC) 54
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 44

JEE Main 2018 Cutoff (Qualifying)

Category Qualified Maximum Marks Minimum Marks
Common Rank List 111275 350 74
OBC-NCL 65313 73 45
SC 34425 73 29
ST 17256 73 24
PwD 2755 73 -35
Total 231024

JEE Main Cutoff- Previous Year Trends

Year General OBC-NCL SC ST Gen-EWS PwD
2020 90 72 50 39 70 0.06
2019 89 74 54 44 78 0.11
2018 74 45 29 24 -35
2017 81 49 32 27
2016 100 70 52 48
2015 105 70 50 44
2014 115 74 53 47
2013 113 70 50 45

According to the previous year cut offs it is clear that the students should expect a higher cut off in the year 2021 as well. In the year 2020, the cut off for general category was 90.37, for general EWS it was 70.24, other backward classes (OBC) -72.88, SC-50.17, ST- 39.06.

Whereas, in the year 2019 the cut offs were- for general category- 89.75, for general EWS- 78.21, for Other backward classes- 74.31, for Schedule Class- 54.01 and for Schedule tribes it was 44.33.



Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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