Pros And Cons Of A Gold IRA

Pros And Cons Of A Gold IRA

An investor will know a gold IRA is a good fit for their retirement portfolio if it will ultimately help achieve their financial goals. It’s essential, though, to factor in all options before committing to a specific portfolio strategy. See here how to put gold in an IRA.

Many investors find a self-directed gold IRA account the ideal addition for diversifying holdings for a balanced portfolio. In this scenario, when a set of investments, perhaps paper assets, are dipping, others like gold could thrive, and the opposite could also occur.

As a rule, gold as an alternative asset is a physical commodity with a history of holding its value even in a turbulent market. The suggestion is as the United States dollar value declines, gold might preserve wealth allowing for bartering or selling for goods, services, or perhaps other currencies. That will have to be a “wait-and-see” scenario with many variables to consider.

Pros and Cons Of A Gold IRA

Gold cannot be held in a traditional IRA, instead requiring a self-directed individual retirement account. These IRAs allow alternative investments like physical assets aside from traditional paper classes, the primary focus of a standard account.

The self-directed IRA is created with an IRS-approved trustee who holds the gold in the account. The purchase occurs with a precious metal dealer (see here for leading providers), and the dealer will ship the gold to an approved depository for secure storage.

A gold IRA, even though self-directed, can still be either a Roth or traditional option with contribution limits the same as they would be for a standard account. In 2021, that would be $6000 for those who qualify or $7000 for those 50+. The traditional option

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Traditional accounts have the potential for tax deductions, with contributions and earnings accruing on a tax-deferred basis until the money is distributed. Then, the typical income taxes apply.

Roth applies no tax benefits to contributions, but investments in the account accrue tax-free with distributions after age 59.5 remaining tax-free if you meet all the criteria. Go to to learn all you need to about a gold IRA. Some benefits of a gold IRA:

  • Retirement Savings: Investors who look at the history of gold’s value and feel the future prices will stay true can develop a buy-and-hold physical commodity to serve as a conservative portion of their retirement portfolio, taking advantage of the tax benefits coming with these.

The suggestion with a gold IRA is to keep the precious metal to a conservative limit in a retirement portfolio and not make it a primary focus. The recommendation is to allow roughly 5 to 10% for physical precious metals.

  • Investor Control: With a self-directed IRA backed by gold, the owner has complete control of the commodity, making all investment decisions. That means you can hold gold, but you have the opportunity to add alternate physical assets like real estate, art, and other “non-stock” options.

While in storage, the owner/investor has the opportunity to view their holdings at any time they wish with a simple request and scheduling an appointment.

There are also a few downsides to holding a gold IRA that investors need to consider with the option.

  • Custodial Services: You need to select a trusted custodian to manage and be responsible for the gold in your self-directed IRA. The representative will be responsible for payments to your precious metals dealer and ensure safe, secure storage of the metal.
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While managing your self-directed gold IRA, the custodian will heed many precautions, requiring fees for their services. Self-directed IRAs backed by gold require fees above and beyond those of a standard IRA.

Trusted, reliable, and reputable custodians and dealers will be upfront and transparent with their fees and services. If not, these are not the right representatives for you.

  • Storage Charges: Custodians are responsible for ensuring that physical gold is held in an IRS-approved depository. The dealer will ship the purchased product to this facility. This storage will require fees for maintaining the physical commodity.
  • Minimum Distribution: At the age of 72, IRS requirements dictate investors take “required minimum distributions” or RMDs from traditional plans for the tax revenue. If this is your only conventional account, you’ll be required to sell the gold for the distribution to satisfy the taxes.
  • Dividends: There are no earnings aside from typical appreciation. The physical precious metal doesn’t provide for capital gains or dividend distributions in the way mutual funds will or individual stocks might.

Final Thought

Investors will find pros and cons with every investment they encounter. A self-directed IRA backed by gold is no exception. It simply comes down to the client’s personal preference on how they see their portfolio structure, the way they view physical gold, and where they see their future goals.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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