Save yourself some money and cut the cable TV cord already

Save yourself some money and cut the cable TV cord already

Many people in America who were die-hard fans of cable TV have already switched to streaming services because of the pricy cable TV bills. It’s not just the pricy cable TV bills because of which people are cutting their cords, there are multiple other reasons as well due to which the cable TV users are not happy with their services.

Indeed, there are still millions of people who are using cable TV services and they are happy with what they have, but don’t you think that we should evolve with time and try new technologies which are bringing comfort to us?

Because of the rising cost of TV services, many people are worried and planning to cancel the services. As indicated by Bruce Leichtman, head at Leichtman Research Group, an average TV subscriber is paying around $110.00 a month for the TV services.

Moreover, each year, the service charges appear to rise. Even if you are getting a promotional plan, the prices will go up once the promotion ends and in no time, it will be out of your budget. The excessive costs helped drive 6 million customers of TV services to drop their services last year. As per the Wall Street examiner firm, MoffettNathanson, this is the biggest decrease ever in a business like this.

Many cable TV service providers like Spectrum, who have been providing TV services to millions of customers have now started offering live TV streaming services because they understand the demand of their users. If a new technology comes up which is better than streaming service and is more pocket-friendly, people will switch to that and the demand for streaming services will go down, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Does cutting the cord save money?

It’s all about control and your usage. If you want to spend money, you can get subscriptions to multiple streaming platforms. However, if you want to save money, get a subscription to only a couple of streaming platforms that offer you must-have content. You don’t need to get something too fancy that you don’t even need. If you are not saving money after cutting the cord then why are you even doing it?

There are many extra charges, which you have to pay with the TV service like taxes, surcharges, broadcast TV fees, etc. You will be saving all this money with the streaming services. There are no extra charges, which you need to pay in order to get the services.

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Is the process of cutting a cord easy?

The choice of switching to a new service can surprisingly be very difficult because it’s not easy to try something new. The whole process of cutting the cord and getting a streaming service might seem easy at first glance but trust me it isn’t that easy. You need to make sure that you do proper research before you make this decision as you might not like this whole change at first.

The liking of a product or a service varies from user to user. Some people might like it and some might not. Just like any other product or service. However, if you want to save yourself some money, then it’s time to kick your cable box. With the streaming services, you don’t need satellite or a cable TV service anymore to get access to your favorite movies, TV shows, and news. The platforms, which are offering streaming services have started offering on-demand content as well and if you want to download a movie or a TV show episode, you can do that too.

What’s difficult in this whole process is making up your mind for the switch and figuring out your usage before you cut the cord. You must give a try to something that offers you more flexibility at a low cost. Also, even if you cancel your TV services, the odds are you will not be cutting binds with your service provider, if you are getting the telephone and internet services from the same service provider.

It’s okay to be cautious but to grow with time, you need to adopt the changes. Once you do that, the next steps are very easy. Whether your favorite movie or TV shows are on Hulu or on local channels like CBS, NBC, or maybe on Netflix, ESPN, or Disney Plus, you can stream anything and everything without ever needing to use a cable box. To get started, follow the below steps.

  • Set up an internet connection

The first step in order to get the streaming services is setting up an internet connection at your house. Many people will probably have internet services already because you don’t need internet for just streaming or entertainment purpose, many other activities are also linked to the internet.

If you already have internet services, then that’s really great, but those who don’t have an internet connection installed can reach out to either their current TV service provider or a new internet service provider.

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Many cable companies provide internet services but there are times when you have to shop around to get a reliable internet connection. While cutting the cord, you can ask your current service provider if they offer internet services or not. If they do, check their plans and pick up a plan that suits your budget and needs.

You need to make sure that you get a connection that comes with high download speeds and an unlimited data cap. As streaming is a data-consuming activity, you need to make sure that there is no data limit so you can stream as much as you like.

  • Get a smart device or a streaming device

Once you set up an internet connection, the next step is to get a smart device which can be a smartphone, tablet, or smart TV. Many people like to watch movies and TV shows on their TV because that offers more comfort. Those who don’t have a smart TV can even get a streaming device like Roku to do online streaming.

If you would like to do streaming on your cellphone, all you need to do is connect your phone to the internet connection, download the streaming app and log in with your credentials. It all depends on your usage and how you’d like to do streaming.

  • Get a subscription to a streaming service

The final step is to get a subscription to a streaming platform. If you like to watch Live TV content, you can ask your TV service provider if they offer streaming services or not as many companies have started offering streaming services due to high demand. If not, don’t worry, multiple streaming platforms offer Live TV services, which are very pocket-friendly and charge on monthly basis.

If you are more into movies and TV shows, you can get a subscription to Netflix and Amazon prime, etc. Figure out your usage first and then choose a streaming platform that offers what you like.

Summing it up

Beyond the savings, with streaming services, you get the freedom of being able to choose the service you want. Cutting your TV service is all about choice and if you do it right, you’ll never miss your cable TV service provider. Just make sure that you know what you want.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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