The Best Ways to Revise for A Levels

The Best Ways to Revise for A Levels

Are your A Level exams starting soon? Nobody looks forward to doing their A levels because they know that they are going to be difficult. There is a lot of pressure on you to perform well and you are aware that your future depends on them. In particular, if you want to go to college or study at university, you have to have good A levels.

But, when you devise a study plan, you can make sure that you do your best. Here are some of the best ways you can revise for your A Levels.

Create a Revision Timetable

You already know that you should be revising for your A Levels ahead of time. This gives you the best opportunity to cover all of the topics and feel confident that you can perform well in your exams. But, if you are not organised, this is going to hold you back. You might miss out on important topics, as well as feel stressed about studying. The key to success with revision is preparation.

The first thing you should do is create a revision timetable. You can set out when you are studying certain subjects and the topics you want to cover. This can also save you time when it comes to revision. You can sit down and get to work knowing exactly what you have to do that day. No wasting time and figuring out what you have to cover.

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Look Into Hiring a Tutor

If you are really struggling with your A levels, it is important not to give up. This is just a sign that you may need help from an expert. Thankfully, there are a lot of A level tutors you can hire to help you with difficult topics. They know the best ways to explain everything simply so that it is easier to understand. What’s more, they can help you with past papers and exam tips.

For example, if you are struggling with A level science, you can reach out and find someone that has experience with that topic. To find a tutor, you can use TeachTutti. This is an education platform that can connect you with a tutor. You can choose to have lessons at their home, at your home or even online.

Switch Up Your Learning Materials

If you are constantly reading from a textbook, subjects can get boring. You can lose concentration and end up not taking in half of the information you are reading. Something that can help when it comes to revision is trying to make it engaging and fun. It will help you learn and make sure that you are bored out of your mind.

So, how can you do this? Well, you can try switching up your learning materials. Yes, read some information from a textbook. But, you can also look at details on a topic online and watch videos too. Even podcasts are out there to help with A Levels, as well as articles on the internet.

Choose a Study Spot

You might be tempted to sit in your bed and study or lounge on a sofa and read up on a topic. But, this is often a mistake. You can be easily distracted by things around you, as well as not being in the right headspace for revision. The best way to avoid this from happening is to choose a study spot. Perhaps this is at a local library or in your house. Either way, select a place that is going to minimise distractions and allow you to get into the zone.

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At your study spot, you want to make sure that you have all of your essentials. This includes your pen and notebook, laptop and any books you need. Do not forget to have a healthy snack and some water available to you. This way, you can keep your energy levels up and feel refreshed.

Grab a Friend

This next tip has to be done carefully. We recommend that you grab a friend and this can be your study partner. In particular, if you are doing the same A level exam, you can both help each other revise topics and answer difficult questions. Talking about topics can be a great way to learn and think on the spot.

But, you also have to be careful about having a study partner. In particular, you do not want to distract each other. You are going to have to be strict and make sure that you actually revise. The last thing you want to do is procrastinate and end up wasting precious time.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.