The Biggest Trends In Tech Today That Will Transform Tomorrow

It feels like we’re in a period of time that in terms of technology is as important as the Industrial Revolution was of yesteryear. With the likes of cryptocurrency and the metaverse becoming more and more a part of our everyday lives, the trends we’re seeing in 2022 are going to completely transform tomorrow’s world.
And it goes way beyond that too. Across all industries technology is completely transforming and setting about plans for a brighter future. But what are the trends that are appearing today that are going to stick around and change the way we live our lives forever?
Ubiquitous Computing
Forbes have certainly been highlighting this as something that will be huge in the future, and with websites and computing more important than ever, then we’re going to see huge change.
We’re already seeing huge change within the website space, with website templates and designs continually progressing to include progressive widgets, more engaging imagery and more. However, with devices also getting lighter, cheaper, more accessible yet continually evolving technology wise, then we’ll be using it even more across our day-to-day lives, whether it be cooking, cleaning, communicating or entertaining ourselves.
We’re already used to smart tech, and this is just the beginning with pretty much everything to be connected to increase efficiency across all areas of our lives and business.
Extended Reality
Virtual reality and augmented reality are already becoming permanent fixtures within our day-to-day lives. Many apps within the retail, business, gaming and other areas are using augmented reality and that’s only going to continue to become more prominent.
The umbrella term for this is extended reality (XR) and we’re going to see this across both VR and AR, as well as mixed reality services. While initially introduced for gaming, it’s extended far beyond that and that’s only going to be accelerated with the changing landscape which has seen more of us working from home, and more of us relying on the use of technology to communicate and undertake daily activities.
3D Printing
While in our day-to-day lives 3D printing is still a bit of a fad, it’s a huge part of business, especially people manufacturing products. Today, you can use 3D printing to produce almost any material from plastic to metals, liquid to even chocolate.
It’s already having an impact in manufacturing, and will continue to grow, eliminating waste and costs for businesses. But as the technology becomes more accessible, we’ll also likely see it enter our homes too, albeit considerably further down the line.
New Energy Solutions
Technology is always evolving how we use energy and it’s incredibly important moving forward as we look to create a more sustainable world. Electric cars have proven to be a hit as countries look to eliminate carbon waste over the next few years, while on a grander scale, the likes of green hydrogen is going to be a huge step forward.
Green hydrogen, which is water split into hydrogen and water, is helping provide a renewable energy source that is going to be game changing as the technology and mass production of it continues to be rolled out.
There will undoubtedly be more revolution to come from this, with many articles and research papers already published online with the next steps for a sustainable world, and technology is going to play such a huge part in that for all of us.