What is The Exact Role of Databases in Ecommerce?

What is The Exact Role of Databases in Ecommerce?

With the growth of technology, the number of individuals resorting to eCommerce purchases will also increase. Known as electronic commerce, eCommerce refers to a specific business model that revolves around conducting transactions across the Internet.

Any business, store, or person who sells products actively online is considered a component of the eCommerce industry. In 2018 alone, it was seen that mobile conversations surged by around 55% and reached about 175.4 billion dollars in sales.

With this industry growing at a really fast pace, there is a unique system operating in the backend of every successful eCommerce site- its database. With volumes of data being actively transferred daily, websites should pay attention to the best practices for these databases.

They should ensure proper practices are carried out and maintained so that businesses can completely leverage an active and agile system for the storage, organization, and structure of their data for the eCommerce site.

What do you mean by a database?

If you come across the terms database-backed site or cloud database, they refer to a website that uses a database. The primary function of this database is tostore information digitally so that it can be captured, accessed, and distributed later when the need arises promptly.

Through this system, transactional information or system oriented in nature can be organized and later tracked based on the preferred settings. Besides the customer, the business, too, derives benefits when analyzing and later tracking the data about sales, products, and customers that are using or have used the database.

Offers structure to business operations

One of the biggest advantages of deploying an eCommerce database is adding structure to large amounts of shopping data. No matter how small or big the size of your online store is, you need an infrastructure for the information gathered to understand the data and offer useful insights. When this data is structured, it can be retrieved efficiently with the eCommerce application with success.

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The database attracts a targeted audience

Consultants in the field of database administration and management, RemoteDBA.com says a good database system helps eCommerce sites to pinpoint their targeted customers based on the data that has been compiled. Marketing teams can use the data of customers stored in the database system to make targeted lists that are used for directing their marketing efforts. The greater the team’s data, the better they can customize their communication and identify the targeted audience for the promotion of the products sold by the store. This method not only retains the existing customers but also attracts potential customers to the store as well.

Data tracking for business

Databases are a significant part of the success of any online eCommerce site. With its ability to store, organize and analyze large volumes of data fast, it is no wonder why they are essential today. With organized and updated data, organizations can respond quickly and update the information as per the evolving market conditions.

Given below are the common kinds of data that databases that helps companies to store and efficiently track data for eCommerce sites-

  1. Information of the product – Databases assist e-commerce sites in storing and update information about the products. This includes extensive descriptions of the product, specifications, prices, the reference numbers of the products, promotions, and availability.

Updating this data on the database saves the company from changing and later publishing new information to every separate page by uniformly keeping all the pages up-to-date with similar information.

  1. Information of the customer – Having the information of the customer to store and analyze for the store is very important. This can be done on the store database. With them, data of the customers like their contact details, spending patterns, names, and much more information can be retained for marketing and promotion later.For example, the personal demographics info is quite relevant to the buying potential of the customer.
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When this kind of data is collected, it helps the store create unique targeted markets that pave the way for better customer communication. This encourages commerce sites to concentrate on the needs and wants of the customer. When you can interpret your customer’s needs, all their issues can be resolved much faster and easier.

  1. Transactional information – Tracking and managing transactions are among the most vital tasks that a database does for an eCommerce site. It helps the store track every order through the sales funnel in an effective and organized way and requires details for processing. This is one of the primary ways to keep the business operating seamlessly.

The database effectively helps keep the inventory updated after every transaction, like what is in or going out of the stock, its billing, the current status of shipping, the purchase orders, and lots more taking place in the store.

Therefore, from the above, it is evident that databases are extremely crucial for successful and efficient eCommerce sites. Irrespective of whether you have a small store with limited stock or a large store with a wide range of products, databases will help you store and organize vital data.

In fact, in modern times, there is a lot of data that needs to be processed, and in the absence of an eCommerce database, it will be difficult for any store owner to manage their store without one effectively.

Ecommerce databases should be created by skilled and experienced professionals skilled in the field. , creating them is not enough. They should be maintained properly as well. This is where you need skilled database administrators for the task.

If you are a large company with an extensive database, you can hire experienced DBAs for the task. However, suppose you have a small company and cannot afford a skilled internal team of DBAs. In that case, you can always rely on credible remote DBA companies to help you in the field database administration and management with success! They are aware of the latest eCommerce trends and how to optimize them for your business effectively.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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