3 Ways Technology Is Shaping The Wine Industry

3 Ways Technology Is Shaping The Wine Industry

Technology is revolutionizing how we do things, even on an industrial level, and the wine and spirit industry is not behind on it. Chances are your latest glass of wine, during its production, encountered some form of technological advancements.

Below is a deeper dive into how wineries are taking advantage of technology in their wine production to offer a better experience.

Wine Technology at Home and In Restaurants

A great night out is culminated by an equally great glass of wine. Some bars and restaurants give their clients the chance to order wine from tablets and iPads. They offer more information about the wine, like labels’ photos and tasting notes, so that customers can make an informed decision on their wine choices.

Technology also influences the servicing of wine. Wine is now being served from a tap to save money and provide an unforgettable experience to clients. This way, less wine will spoil for sitting corked for too long.

Wine technology has also found its way into homes. Since more than 80% of all wine gets consumed at home, it’s no surprise wine tech has found its way there. You can order wine and get it delivered to your home on-demand in many major cities.

You never have to leave the comfort of your home, let alone the couch, to get that expensive bottle of wine you’ve been eyeing. Not just wine, today you can order any kind of spirit from the comfort of your home, from Ark Crystal vodka to premium whiskey everything is just a click away.

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Drones in The Vineyard

Drones have been used in agricultural production for almost a decade now. It is no surprise they found themselves in vineyards. A drone in a vineyards helps with a lot of activities, including:

  • Surveillance
  • Security
  • Crop analysis
  • Marketing

They take photographs of the vineyard and alert the vintner in case of any threats to the vines. Sensors in drones can also evaluate drainage and track how the vines are growing. They also help map the exact area of the vineyard.

Drones in The Vineyard

Where there is a labor shortage, drones can quickly fill the gaps or redirect labor to other less intensive duties. It’s much more efficient for a drone to spray a whole vineyard than people who may take up more time.

Improved Wine Processing Systems

The new generation of wine processing is composed of sensors and automatic separators. This technological advancement means that the wine processing belt tools are more efficient, producing a higher quality product.

Improved Wine Processing Systems

Sensors can check everything regarding the plant’s health, like how much water the plant is taking in and the amount of light available to a ripening grape. This information is valuable because it ensures the survival and productivity of the crop.

Final Thoughts

The wine industry is evolving. The various implements of technology are making its production profitable while producing top-notch quality wine in terms of flavors. Winemakers can now detect the best time for watering, know when to harvest, and get the most out of wine processing.






Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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