4 Aspects of Your Life That Need a Tech Upgrade

4 Aspects of Your Life That Need a Tech Upgrade

Technology continues to develop at a phenomenal pace, and most of us struggle to keep up. The pandemic spurred remarkable innovation in consumer healthcare, security, and remote work products. And 5G technology is moving everything toward a need to upgrade capabilities even while 6G is under development.

There’s no doubt tech can make everyday life easier. Still, it’s easy to get complacent.

Maybe we don’t want to spend money on the latest gizmo. Maybe we’ve become comfortable with what we have and dread the thought of learning how to use a new one.

What might help raise our collective technological comfort level is learning to rely on it. Integrating tech into key areas of everyday life may leave us wanting more. In fact, once it’s part of our routine, we’ll wonder how we ever survived without it.

Make a list and start upgrading your everyday tech, one byte at a time. Here are four aspects of your life that might need a refresh:

How You Pay for Stuff

One thing the pandemic definitely affected was how we pay for things. Legal tender became persona non grata. And who wanted to punch in their PIN on that keypad touched by everyone else?

It may be time for you to upgrade that debit card. If yours lacks a chip, charges fees, or doesn’t support mobile payment platforms like Google Pay or Apple Pay, toss it. Debit card technology isn’t what it used to be.

Savvy debit cards give you total control via companion mobile apps. Some even offer a way to round up purchase amounts and deposit the difference in a savings account.

You also no longer need that brick-and-mortar bank. Online banking offers all the perks of your local bank. Well, except for the free toaster when you open an account.

Take a good look at how you’ve been purchasing things and explore what’s out there now. You just might discover a more forward-thinking way to pay.

How You Take Care of Your Home

After a year of being stuck at home, it’s time to leave the house. There’s no denying that staying home made it easy to keep up on the laundry, dirty dishes, and vacuuming. Once you start living outside of four walls again, how will everything get done?

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Tech is the answer. There’s been a proliferation of smart appliances and security tools you can control with your smartphone from anywhere. If you can use an app, you can use smart home tech via the Internet of Things (IoT).

The robot vacuum can do the rumba every day without you. That load of laundry will indeed wash itself and be ready to toss into the dryer when you get home.

Smart thermostats are relatively inexpensive and user-friendly. You also won’t need to keep the house at a steady temperature 24/7, which will save energy. You can turn the thermostat down (or up), and it will still be the perfect temp when you walk in the door.

See who comes to your front doorstep no matter where you are. Get rid of your key and use a keypad or fingerprint to open your door. You can even give a unique code to a guest arriving before you do.

Just because you leave the house every day, doesn’t mean nothing gets done there. You don’t need to hire a cleaning service or a security guard. Just let tech do the work for you.

How You Listen to Things

Audio made an agile upgrade this year, and you should take advantage of it. If you use headphones to listen to music, books, and movies, or for hands-free communication, it’s time to upgrade.

Although low-energy audio technology has been around for awhile, Bluetooth LE Audio has elevated it. The new version uses less battery power while accommodating the higher bandwidth that raises sound quality. Moreover, the upgraded tech allows one person to share audio over multiple devices, so you can spread the aural wealth.

Forget letting a friend stick your earbud in his ear to hear what you’re listening to. You can share your playlist with as many people as you want.

Upgrading your Bluetooth tech will make those daily commutes more enjoyable, whether you’re in your car or taking the bus. If spending more time in airports and on planes is in your future, this will make the experience better.

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By the end of 2021, you might also be able to enjoy your favorite tunes without headphones. New speakers? Nope. Only you will be able to hear the music even in a room full of people.

Noveto has invented 3D tech that beams surround sound to the user’s ears only. You can still hear everything going on around you — but only you can hear the music.

The company plans to release a small version of its desktop device to consumers at Christmas. This sci-fi beaming tech will truly be all in your head. It’s an audio upgrade that might be too good to pass up.

How You Clothe Yourself

This involves a lot more than getting a new band for your smartwatch. We are talking about upgrading your wardrobe from head to toe.

If you wear a hat or visor when you take your daily jog, why not wear one with biometric tech? You can measure heart rate, body temperature, and calories burned. Bluetooth technology sends the information in real time to your smart device.

Don a stylish pair of shades that take hands-free photos and video in 3D. Livestream what you’re seeing to Snapchat or edit photos and footage before sharing. You can opt to wear a pair with Bluetooth technology that lets you make hands-free calls.

How about yoga pants that read your posture? Bathing suits that measure UV rays and let you know when they’ve reached dangerous levels? A Levi’s denim jacket that allows you to use gestures to connect to your smartphone?

Maybe you need or want to stay connected to breaking news, social media, email, and other platforms wherever you are. No problem. You can wear them daily on your sleeve, or your face, or your head.

Technology is designed to solve problems, including the mundane ones we face every day. As the saying goes, “Inside of every problem lies an opportunity.” Maybe it’s time to take the opportunity to make life a little easier.

When a tech upgrade opportunity knocks, answer it. Just be sure to use your doorbell app with two-way audio.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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