495How to Handle Personal Documents and Public Publications

495How to Handle Personal Documents and Public Publications

Often, it helps to get another set of eyes when it comes to editing academic papers and public publications. This is especially true, today when you often need both translation and editing services to expand your reach in communications globally.

Hiring an Academic Editing and Translation Provider

When you hire academic editing service professionals, you need to base your decision on a translation and editing’s service –

  • Reputation and length of service in the field
  • Specializations
  • Turnaround time
  • Editing protocol

By reviewing the company’s background and methods of working, you can quickly narrow down your choices. For example, how long has the company been in business? Usually, it is best to go with a company that has been operating, on average, for about 20 years.

It also helps to review a company’s unique specializations in editing. For example, if you have a medical research paper to edit, you want to choose a company with this type of expertise. Maybe your paper is engineering-based. If so, the editing company you select should feature his type of know-how.

Academic Disciplines

Review academic and translation service companies that edit and proofread papers in the following disciplines:

  • The Humanities
  • The Natural Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Engineering
  • Medicine
  • Computer science
  • Law
  • Literature
  • Language

The company you choose should provide native speakers in the language you need to have edited who have experience in a research paper’s theme or discipline.

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What Is Involved in Editing?

How the paper is edited is also important. Editors should proof and edit the paper, as follows:

  • Checking sentences with respect to word choices, sentence structure, and grammar.
  • Making sure that the paper maintains a good flow in thought and is properly cited.

All high-quality editing and proofreading should be provided at a competitive price. Also, make sure that the company offers translation services, so you can expand your reach if needed. What you choose in an academic editing service can go a long way toward improving your professional status and influence online.

Don’t Just Use a Spell Check

Editing and proofreading should also include the following:

  • Correcting spelling errors
  • Modifying the layout and spacing of documents, if necessary
  • Improving the writing style and clarity
  • Including explanations for any changes

Turnaround Times

The turnaround time for academic editing and proofing averages around 7 days. Usually, the turnaround time needed depends on a paper’s length and its degree of difficulty. If more than 7 days are required for editing and proofreading, the editing service should inform you, in advance, or update you with respect to its progress.

Paying for the Service

If you are a research organization that needs editing services on a regular basis, you usually can receive a significant discount if you contact the services.

If you are an individual, you can pay for editing and proofing online or by phone with your credit card. Rates for any additional and related services are normally discussed and negotiated before the work begins.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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