5 Android Apps to Boost Your Productivity While Working at Home

5 Android Apps to Boost Your Productivity While Working at Home

Imagine how your days start when you both are working from home and have two crazy young kids to test your patience all time. Sometimes you lose your cool and scold or make them understand how important work is for you, but the next day they are remarkably the same.

When you track your work, you see a long list of pending work that brings you a ton of tension, hampers your productivity, and your boss brags at you. Even when you have the worst days, he warns you against taking severe actions.

Some nights go sleepless, thinking about a perfect solution to it, and other times you even think about giving up your job. But what keeps you holding is the uncertainty of employment in the market. And if you never have got any concrete solutions yet, here is a small tip for you.

To overcome such situations in these rowdy pandemic times is tough. But, here are five Android apps to boost your productivity infinitely while working at home. Your boss will appreciate your effective work management if it keeps you from getting fired and doesn’t hinder your promotion.

How Work at Home is Different Than Work at Office

Work at Home is Different Than Work at Office

In the office, the atmosphere is entirely different, you have colleagues around, and the focus is on completing the work and looking for the results. If some process didn’t work, going for a new strategy and waiting for results.

But working at home is a real challenge; from cooking to getting your work done, taking care of kids, and sending the report to your manager, you have a lot of responsibility to carry on.

You never know when your phone beeps with a text message “Meeting at 3 pm, everyone in the team has to attend regarding new etiquettes.” When you’re having lunch with your family, next is, you have to take your kids to bed for a power nap, else they won’t let you attend the meeting, having the next 15 minutes left.

Here are Five Android Apps that Will Help You Manage the Work Effortlessly While Being Super-Productive:

Whether you’re a freelancer or a full-time employee in the corporate firm or have your own business—these apps can take tons of burden on your head by simply adding them on their dashboards and requesting them a friendly reminder. And you’re free from daily burnouts.

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Suppose you’re a data science professional, digital marketer, doctor with covid-duties, or being in any profession. In that case, these apps are a great help for you—try them and switch to happiness.

Any.do – To-do list, Planner, and Calendar

Any.do - To-do list, Planner, and Calendar

It adds your task quickly, where you can add your colleagues and friends to work together and track your progress and goals. The best part is it helps you with the reminder, so you never miss anything important. Make sure you have that on your Any.do list.

No matter how extensive your to-do list is, you can categorize and prioritize your task accordingly. Now it comes with reporting features too, when your work is over, communication is super-easy.


Always have a to-do list a day before your next day, prioritize your essential work on the top, and give them a time frame when you want to see them complete; set a reminder.

Having an outline makes it easier to track your goals and progress and inspires you to work more and give your 100 percent.



The only project management tool that has everything you need, from creating strategies to collaborations and calendar view, so that you can batch everything in advance. Asana offers both list views and card views that is to track progress and strategize.

You can use it as an individual or as a team, and it’s solely your choice. The price is different for each plan, and for 30 days, you can use the premium version for free. No credit cards are required.

The best part is that you can collaborate with team members and create a template from the existing one that fits your purpose. You can integrate other apps—and make the most use of your available time before hitting the deadline.



Do you hate it when you see more than a hundred emails a day coming to multiple accounts you have? Now you will love them, not only once, but a lifetime. Install Spark, categorize your emails with labels, and boost your productivity by connecting all your emails to one account.

If you start managing your emails effectively, it kills all your productive time. But, Spark has innovative email features that clean your emails from your inbox and search for you using the intelligent search feature.

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The best part is, the app can send follow-up emails with pre-existing templates so that when you get too busy with your job, you still don’t miss any important mail. When you open your mailbox, it’s not about the mail that matters to you, but the messed-up mail. But with smart notifications, you get notified every time an essential mail lands in your inbox.

Pomodoro Timer—Boost Your Productivity and Stay Focused

Pomodoro Timer

Feeling burnout and sprains are the most common things when you work continuously for hours; you need a break too often to boost productivity, stay focused, and deliver qualitative work.

If this happens to you often—you give your best to everything, but your work doesn’t get recognized among your colleagues. Then you need to add some tweaks to your work and look at them from a fresh angle—to make your work popping out in others’ eyes.

Use Pomodoro, a small app that reminds you to take a break every 25 minutes for five minutes iteratively. When you complete an hour of working, it will notify you with 15 minutes off. That you can use in other works or freshen up and get back to your work with fresh angles when the app reminds you to get back.

Forest—Stay Focused

Forest—Stay Focused

When you can’t focus on your work and easily get distracted, that hampers your productivity and work quality. Then the best thing you can do is start focusing on your work. Are you wondering how to do it? Install Forest today and do your meditation while working on your project.

Get the best music super cool and rejuvenate the burnouts when you have worked for hours and hours long. It’s when you’re heated up and need the sounds from nature, a whole different world, and no one there to disturb you.

Use Forest and stay focused, boost your productivity with a virtual environment that suits the best for you to work—whether sea waves, rains, wind, autumn, bird chirpings, or a mix of all—you get them all on the ears by installing Forest on your phone.

Final Words

When you have everything organized, all your work, and the time you want to spend with your family, you remain calm and simultaneously take the best care of both. There will never be a situation like you cannot give your best either at work or with family or friends.

If you’re a working man or woman, install these five android apps to boost your productivity. Make sure your friends and family do the same. Live each moment to the fullest. Don’t let burnout ruin your special moments.

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Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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