5 Ways To Use Analytics For Social Media

5 Ways To Use Analytics For Social Media

Ever wondered how your social media is doing? Are you familiar with the “numbers” side of social media – the analytics? If you don’t already know those things, then listen up!

If you want to better understand how your social media pages are doing, then have a quick look at your social media’s analytics! Analytics tell you how well your pages are performing, and what you can do to improve your chances of getting noticed online.

So, are you up to the task? We hope so!

This article will explore how you can successfully analyze, evaluate, and use the analytics from your social media data to not only boost your marketing, but also help you achieve great results.

  1. Access The Analytics Pages

“Most social media platforms will have an Analytics – or Insights – page for you to look and see which posts are performing well, and which ones aren’t,” says Arnold Bitteheider, a journalist at Custom Writing and UKWritings. “When you look at their Analytics or Insights page, you’ll see numbers involving the many interactions of your followers and other site visitors.”

For example, Facebook Insights lets you view the data generated from your Facebook page. Facebook Insights studies your audience’s behavior, regarding:

  • Page Actions
  • Views and Likes
  • Post Engagements, AND
  • Followers

“With simple-to-understand and interactive visual graphics, Facebook Insights is a great tool for even beginner site runners,” adds Casper. “‘Insights’ is typically located in the white menu at the top of your Facebook page.”

  1. Measure Your ROI

It’s important to see if the resources you’re using in social media (i.e. paid content) are actually making you money – or, in marketing terms, return of investment (or ROI).

Luckily, there are ways to calculate social media ROI, including:

  • Adding a Facebook tracking pixel to key pages to track which ads attract more viewers, and which increased conversions, AND
  • Adding Google Analytics (as UTM parameters) to your ads’ URL to show how much traffic and conversions you’re getting.

Once you implement these ideas, you’ll see the ROI from your social media work in your favor.

  1. Know Your Followers

Your social media – like Facebook – should have a section in the Analytics or Insights part of your page where you can choose “Page Followers,” which lets you see information about your followers.

Both Facebook and Instagram use the same platform – Facebook Insights – to help you view analytics with interactive graphs. Here are said graphs that you’ll find in Facebook Insights:

  • “Total Followers” shows your total page followers on any specific date that you look at.
  • “Net Follower” calculates the number of page-likes minus the number of dislikes, thus measuring how successful your content is. In addition, you can look at the publication date of a post to see if you’ve gained – or lost – followers that day.
  • The “When Your Audience is Online” graph shows you what days and times your fans are on Facebook.
  1. Set Benchmarks

“When looking through your social media stats, you’ll often ask yourself if your page is doing good or not,” says Karen Johnson, a content blogger at Academized and Assignment Service. “So, if you don’t want to waste time figuring out what works and what doesn’t, it’s recommended that you set benchmarks for what makes posts successful.”

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By setting benchmarks, you’ll know which content has top priority and are valuable.

  1. Set SMART Goals

Finally, it’s important to set the right goals on which numbers that you want to focus on and improve. Remember: the most important metrics for tracking the success of your social media page are both engagement and conversion rates.

So, when planning a social media campaign, you may want to implement some SMART goals – No, really! “S.M.A.R.T” goals! The metrics you track and follow will depend on the goals you set in your campaign.

So, make sure that they’re:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic, AND
  • Time-bound

So, the next time you want to create some goals for your social media, make sure that they’re SMART goals!


So, now that you know what social media analytics are and how they’re used, it’s time to get started! Remember: Don’t let the numbers scare you letting the “math nerds” take care of it. Analytics are normally easy to understand, and they can be implemented into any social media strategy to help you get more clicks and followers.

Lauren Groff is a software  review writer at Best essay writing services and Top Canadian Writers. She has ten years building CRM-oriented software and works with many organizations optimizing tech policy.

5 Ways To Use Analytics For Social Media

Ever wondered how your social media is doing? Are you familiar with the “numbers” side of social media – the analytics? If you don’t already know those things, then listen up!

If you want to better understand how your social media pages are doing, then have a quick look at your social media’s analytics! Analytics tell you how well your pages are performing, and what you can do to improve your chances of getting noticed online.

So, are you up to the task? We hope so!

This article will explore how you can successfully analyze, evaluate, and use the analytics from your social media data to not only boost your marketing, but also help you achieve great results.

  1. Access The Analytics Pages

“Most social media platforms will have an Analytics – or Insights – page for you to look and see which posts are performing well, and which ones aren’t,” says Arnold Bitteheider, a journalist at Custom Writing and UKWritings. “When you look at their Analytics or Insights page, you’ll see numbers involving the many interactions of your followers and other site visitors.”

For example, Facebook Insights lets you view the data generated from your Facebook page. Facebook Insights studies your audience’s behavior, regarding:

  • Page Actions
  • Views and Likes
  • Post Engagements, AND
  • Followers
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“With simple-to-understand and interactive visual graphics, Facebook Insights is a great tool for even beginner site runners,” adds Casper. “‘Insights’ is typically located in the white menu at the top of your Facebook page.”

  1. Measure Your ROI

It’s important to see if the resources you’re using in social media (i.e. paid content) are actually making you money – or, in marketing terms, return of investment (or ROI).

Luckily, there are ways to calculate social media ROI, including:

  • Adding a Facebook tracking pixel to key pages to track which ads attract more viewers, and which increased conversions, AND
  • Adding Google Analytics (as UTM parameters) to your ads’ URL to show how much traffic and conversions you’re getting.

Once you implement these ideas, you’ll see the ROI from your social media work in your favor.

  1. Know Your Followers

Your social media – like Facebook – should have a section in the Analytics or Insights part of your page where you can choose “Page Followers,” which lets you see information about your followers.

Both Facebook and Instagram use the same platform – Facebook Insights – to help you view analytics with interactive graphs. Here are said graphs that you’ll find in Facebook Insights:

  • “Total Followers” shows your total page followers on any specific date that you look at.
  • “Net Follower” calculates the number of page-likes minus the number of dislikes, thus measuring how successful your content is. In addition, you can look at the publication date of a post to see if you’ve gained – or lost – followers that day.
  • The “When Your Audience is Online” graph shows you what days and times your fans are on Facebook.
  1. Set Benchmarks

“When looking through your social media stats, you’ll often ask yourself if your page is doing good or not,” says Karen Johnson, a content blogger at Academized and Assignment Service. “So, if you don’t want to waste time figuring out what works and what doesn’t, it’s recommended that you set benchmarks for what makes posts successful.”

By setting benchmarks, you’ll know which content has top priority and are valuable.

  1. Set SMART Goals

Finally, it’s important to set the right goals on which numbers that you want to focus on and improve. Remember: the most important metrics for tracking the success of your social media page are both engagement and conversion rates.

So, when planning a social media campaign, you may want to implement some SMART goals – No, really! “S.M.A.R.T” goals! The metrics you track and follow will depend on the goals you set in your campaign.

So, make sure that they’re:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic, AND
  • Time-bound

So, the next time you want to create some goals for your social media, make sure that they’re SMART goals!


So, now that you know what social media analytics are and how they’re used, it’s time to get started! Remember: Don’t let the numbers scare you letting the “math nerds” take care of it. Analytics are normally easy to understand, and they can be implemented into any social media strategy to help you get more clicks and followers.

Lauren Groff is a software  review writer at Best essay writing services and Top Canadian Writers. She has ten years building CRM-oriented software and works with many organizations optimizing tech policy.

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Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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