Best Backend Framework for App Development in 2022

Frontend frameworks are a key component of web application development for great user experience. They are essential for creating all the necessary elements needed for an app, making the frontend easy to use and intuitive. With many choices available in backend frameworks, finding a suitable one that ensures utmost scalability and performance is tough. Hence, let us explore their use cases in web application development.
Different Types of Web Frameworks?
1. Client-Side
Front-end frameworks enable you to build attractive websites. They help developers implement a new user interface. Front-end development frameworks have no connection with business logic; hence, they consider the work that occurs in the browser.
2. Server-Side
Browsers do not prevent you from creating a website on your own. However, they surely don’t allow you to develop and run it effectively. For that reason, server-side or back-end frameworks have been invented to optimize web development process by providing applications with essential qualities.
Backend Framework – What Is It & Why Use It?
Back-end frameworks are used to build a website, application, or web service. They significantly impact your project’s success and can be a deciding factor in the project’s success. Backend frameworks mainly focus on scripting languages like Ruby, JavaScript, Node.js, or compiled languages like Java, C#, etc. The best one helps developers see things quicker by reducing the need to create and configure everything from the beginning.
A backend framework typically assists in automating the process of writing, testing, and deploying code in the framework. This could include features such as functionality of automated testing, error checking, integration with third-party services and databases, logging of events or actions performed within the system by a user, time saving when updating existing software code under different operating systems and languages, etc.
1. Django
Django is a fast and high-performance Python web framework, which combines power and productivity by providing the Django Web Framework. This framework has been designed for large-scale development and it has been used by Spotify, Dropbox, and Washington Post for many years.
2. Express
Express is an HTML5 and JavaScript application framework for Node.js. It is an adaptable and lightweight framework that provides a set of functions for building web and mobile applications. Express.js developers use this MEAN stack backend framework for building online apps and APIs.
It’s been used in projects such as myntra, Accenture, Uber, MuleSoft and MySpace.
3. Flask
Flask is the most popular Python web application framework. It’s a fast and lightweight WSGI routing framework. It implements CSRF protection and supports various template engines. Flexibility and scalability are the core benefits of this framework.
4. Laravel
Laravel is a comprehensive PHP framework that helps you build beautiful, database-backed websites and web applications quickly. With this open-source project, your team can choose the right database with Laravel’s database abstraction layer (DAL) and separate those entities from your code. It also provides a variety of helpers to save time while creating multi-layered database models. This easy-to-use application will help you manage all parts of development including frontend, backend and testing.
5. Gin Gonic
Gin is a high-performing framework for building REST APIs in Golang. It’s simple, lightweight, and well suited to building high-traffic APIs. Gin handles HTTP requests and responses optimally, so you can get your code running fast without worrying about the details.
6. Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is one of the most widely used web app development frameworks. It encourages developers to use patterns like MVC (Model View Controller) and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).
It is said that there are many frameworks which can be used for web development. However, it all depends on your product and user demands. Thus, here are the best six frameworks for web application development.
However, to select the right backend framework, we recommend consulting with top website development company in Australia to develop your business further.