CMAT 2023 Admit Card: NTA releasing CMAT 2023 admit Card soon; Know how to download.

CMAT 2023 Admit Card: NTA releasing CMAT 2023 admit Card soon; Know how to download.

CMAT 2023 Admit Card is likely to release by April 30, 2023 after 2 P.M. Candidates can download their admit card by visiting the official website of NTA. The admit card will include details like CMAT Roll No. & Application No, Personal Details,  Exam Date & Shift, Test Venue and Test Centre, Exam Time & Reporting Time. Appearing candidates must check all these details above before downloading their admit card.  If any details are found incorrect in the admit card issued to candidates, they must connect with the exam authority.

CMAT 2023 admit card will be valid only for this year’s examination. Students must carry their government-issued ID along with the admit card. Read the article below to know more about CMAT 2023 Admit Card.

How to download CMAT 2023 Admit Card Online?

Download your admit card by following the below steps.

  • Visit the official website of CMAT.
  • Click on “CMAT 2023 Admit Card”.
  • A new window will open, asking for login.
  • Login using your credentials made during the time of registration.
  • In case you forgot your password you can retrieve it by clicking on “Forgot Password”.
  • Once log-in is done, you can view your admit card.
  • Click on the download symbol, to download your CMAT 2023 Admit card.

Candidates must follow a few guidelines to avoid any issues while downloading the admit card. Candidates are advised to go through the entire details provided in the admit card and check for any errors(if any).  In case any candidates are facing issues with downloading the admit card, they must contact the helpline number between 10 AM to 5 PM. To complain or request any changes in the admit card visit the CMAT official website and click on “Contact Us”.

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Details mentioned in CMAT 2023 Admit Card.

Details mentioned in the admit card will entail all the related information regarding the exam and the Candidate. One can expect details like the Name of the candidate, Date of birth, Exam day instructions, Gender, Category, Registration Number, Roll Number, Time and venue of the exam, Candidate’s photograph, Candidate’s Signature, Candidate’s PwD status(if any), Candidate’s address to be presented on the CMAT 2023 Admit card. Students must check all the above details and make sure they are appropriate and with no errors.

Issues faced during the downloading of CMAT 2023 Admit Card.

Candidates may face internet issues during the download process. Thus they are advised to use the proper browser to do their download. In case you provide the wrong login credentials, you will be unable to do the download. In that can you can retrieve your password by clicking on “Forgot Password”. The other reason could be incomplete registration, if the registration remains incomplete, or the fee is not paid, the candidate will not be allowed to download the admit card. Not to mention that the exam authority will not issue any in such cases.

CMAT 2023 Exam Day Guidelines.

Candidates must carry their downloaded CMAT 2023 Admit Card along with a government-issued ID. It is advised to reach one hour prior to the allotted time in the examination center. Download the city intimation slip to prepare for your travel beforehand and avoid any delay. Do not carry any metallic ornaments, if found any, the individual will be asked to submit it. Also, carry a personal water bottle.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.