Disaggregated Cell Site Gateway: How it Works and Why You Need One

Telecommunication operators have relied on circuit-switched networks for decades, using analog or digital signaling technology to establish connections between telephones, fax machines, and PBXs. The rapid expansion of 4G networks and the arrival of 5G networks, as well as strong customer demand for value-added services, network slicing, and other services, requires the implementation of disaggregation and open specifications by operators in order to enhance innovation, meet customers’ needs faster, and remain ahead of the trend.

We’re enabling mobile operators to move away from proprietary and monolithic infrastructure to disaggregated, fully interoperable systems by developing a disaggregated cell site gateway (DCSG) solution. They can therefore deploy the best available software and hardware components, reduce costs for new services, and accelerate time to market. The specifications for Disaggregated Cell Site Gateways are intended to define an open and disaggregated platform based on commercially available components and open source software that can replace traditional cell site solutions – such as proprietary routing appliances and Microwave IDU – while reducing costs associated with deployment and providing scalability for last-mile evolution.  

The different components of a DCSG

A service provider most commonly begins to disaggregate their transport network at the cell site since it offers the greatest impact with the lowest capital investment. Upgrades can be done one by one without affecting the rest of the network through the cell site architecture.

Ufispace, a provider of 5G networking solutions, has developed a disaggregated cell site gateway for building 5G networks, the S9500-30XS, which enables service providers to deliver next-generation services and is composed of the following components:

  1. In order to make the maintenance of cell site equipment easier and more economical, the S9500-30XS is equipped with a temperature hardened chassis with front-facing, hot-swappable fans and power supplies. There are also additional redundancy mechanisms built into the fans and power supplies to prevent failure.
  2. The disaggregated nature of Ufi Space’s DCSGs further embraces open networking by extending use cases beyond mobile backhaul to microwave backhaul and private networks.
  3. A NOS that supports ITU-T Y.1731 Bandwidth Notification would allow Ufispace’s DCSG to aggregate and forward data through the microwave backhaul architecture while located next to the outdoor microwave antennas.
  4. The DCSGs of Ufispace are being adopted by content providers in private networks to facilitate the development of 5G services such as real-time sports streaming and wireless virtual reality gaming.
  5. With the S9500-30XS, you can connect legacy networks with 100M/1G, 5G networks with 10G/25G, and backhaul networks offering 40G/100G. You can also complete timing synchronization with 4G and 5G networks with ToD, BITS, 1PPS, and 10MHz timing interfaces.
  6. A grandmaster function can also be achieved by setting the S9500-30XS via GNSS interface, eliminating the need to add any additional timing equipment.
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How DCSG works

Disaggregated cell site gateway (DCSG) is a relatively new service in the telecommunications industry. It combines two services, namely a CSG and a virtualized core packet network (vCPN). It was designed with the intent of creating open, efficient, and disaggregated IP solutions that network operators can utilize to establish networks quickly, reliably, and cost-effectively. The vCPN provides all of the data plane functions required to support the core functions of a telecom company. This includes routing and forwarding, as well as mobility management for voice and data traffic. The CSG provides functionality for cellular operators to support the provisioning of their services.  

In order to aggregate mobile traffic, the disaggregated cell site gateway functions as an access network router. This router is capable of running interchangeable open network software in a white box. In the past, mobile base stations have typically been connected to the backhaul using monolithic, tightly integrated cell site gateways. With disaggregation, software and hardware are decoupled and operators are given the choice to select vendors for each component of the system. The use of open standards on nonproprietary equipment allows any hardware to be paired with any open standard software feature. This allows for more people to develop features, fosters innovation and provides more choices.

Who needs a DCSG

As the Internet of Everything develops and grows, more and more devices will need to be connected to the Internet. To use the current smartwatches, you will need a Bluetooth connection with your smartphone. In order for the cameras at home to work, they must be connected to Wi-Fi. Because of the pandemic, work and education are mostly conducted at home, requiring an internet connection. Due to this, 5G has gained a lot of attention in many countries in order to ensure smooth connectivity in the  Internet of Everything era. 

Telecommunications Companies may use disaggregated cell site gateway solutions to increase mobile bandwidth capacity in preparation for the 5G transition while keeping compatibility with existing networks and ensuring a smooth transfer without adding expenses. Businesses, developers, health sectors, individuals and even countries have benefited from DCSG’s innovation:

  1. In the modern era, there is a great need for high-speed internet, as more people are working, learning, and playing at home. This has resulted in an increase in subscriber connections as well as data usage. 
  2. As businesses grow, they must rely more on IT, and high-speed Internet is one way to ensure optimal performance for applications and IT infrastructure while providing faster access to data and cloud services.
  3.  High-speed Internet makes it much easier for remote workers to connect across offices and remote locations, and it allows them to share printers, documents, storage space and other IT infrastructure.
  4. In order to facilitate off-site data backups without slowing down system performance or reducing data availability for users throughout the company, a significant amount of bandwidth and Internet speed is required. Companies can now more easily restore data after a disaster or data loss event with the help of high-speed Internet.
  5. The quality of call and video communication can be improved through high-speed Internet and can facilitate the communication that drives business success and online education.
  6. Device manufacturers have generated a lot of money since the advent of the mobile internet of things, including those who manufacture mobile phones and communication devices.  
  7. In conjunction with the emergence of 5G, developers will develop new applications and software in great quantities. 
  8. Countries that adopt 5G technology first will have an advantage in technology, economics, and national security.
  9. Health care services such as remote patient monitoring, consulting, and even remote surgery may be enabled by 5G.
  10. 5G will play a significant role in automated driving, cutting pollutants by 40-90 percent, travel times by roughly 40%, and delays by 20%.
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The Internet has been used to connect remote computers around the world.  Since we have nothing to do with the Internet if we are offline, everyone wants to access information from the Internet through a computer and other connected devices. In the age of mobile Internet, connected devices have become lighter phones and tablets. Leading companies are developing faster-speed routers in order to improve the efficiency of information transmission.

Network infrastructure needs to be more flexible and efficient than ever before because of 5G and consumer demand for innovative services. An integrated open transport network can enable a flexible future with greater capability in implementing new services as they emerge with a 5G ready network that is able to scale up.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.