How To Select The Correct Software Testing Metrics?

A good software testing company has software testing metric. Software testing metric is a standard used to track the usefulness of quality assurance efforts. This is a two steps methodology:

  • Develop success indicators in the planning phase
  • Compare them with the established metric after finishing the process

On the contrary, majority of the software testing service providers concentrate on the way the tests are going to be executed instead of actual data generated by the tests. This means that most of the time the testers concentrate on the simple satisfaction of completing the entire testing process.

Keeping this scenario in mind, we are presenting to you some ways a software testing company can implement to select the right metric.

What Are The Key features of The Good Testing Metric?

  1. It Must Be Relevant to Business Objectives

Critical key performance index must imitate the main mission and objective of the business. This includes monthly profit growth and the number of the new customers. Every company selects its metrics based upon what they intend to attain with their product.

  1. It Must Permit For Growth

Each metric must provide the space for enhancement. Now the question arises, is there any space for improvement if you have attained a 100% success rate? Here, the main objective will be to keep the metric at this level and further enhance it.

  1. Boosts Strategy Development

When a metric provides you a team objective, it also encourages you to ask questions to deice a strategy. Let assume that you want to increase your revenue. In this situation you are required to add a feature that will bring about an increase in purchases.

  1. Traceable and Understandable
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Good software metric is simple to follow and comprehend. Or else, it is very difficult to make informed decisions. Employees must know regarding the way that can be implemented to enhance the results.

Three Tips for Choosing Software Testing Metrics

  1. You Must Begin by Asking Questions

Your questions must entail these three topics:

  1. The things that you are measuring
  2. Tools and strategies to measure it
  3. Causes to track it

You must pay attention to the definition process of the metrics. Occasionally, a small quantity of backlog bugs shows that your quality assurance team is performing nicely. Nevertheless, after dividing these bugs into low, medium and high priority issues, you will be able to see the performance of program quality and make required adjustments.

  1. Don’t Ignore Automation While Calculating QA Metrics

Automation plays an important role in gather manual data and assists in guaranteeing the relevancy of your metrics. Suppose you use Jira, for this you will be setting up JQL which stands for Jira Querry Language request on your confluence page if you require information on critical bugs in each sprint. This will be updated regularly. You can also use tools based on your favorite test management or task tracking system.

  1. Gather Comments and Slowly Enhance Metrics

After gathering and setting up all the metrics, the enhancement and feedback processes begin. You must focus on feedback to enhance efficiency and clarity of your reports and metrics.

4 Main Rules To Measure Software Testing Metrics

Evaluating metric under software testing and guessing their success is very frustrating and vague. Here are some suggestion and tips you can implement:

  • Relate your metrics with product goals, process and project.
  • Trace the progress during the time
  • Show the statistics to the customers and the team to demonstrate your progress.
  • Ensure that your metrics are valid


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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