Is It Hard to Get Low-Cost Health Insurance? Compare It.

Is It Hard to Get Low-Cost Health Insurance? Compare It.

To take out health insurance is mandatory for all in Switzerland, be it a citizen, a tourist, or a short-term resident. Health insurance comparison in Switzerland is extremely convenient. When taking out one, you must compare the plans offered by insurance providers to benefit from the competition in the health insurance market.

Select the Insurer that Offers the Best Plans

When contemplating health insurance, the first thing you must do is call for quotations from different insurance providers. You can get quotes online for free by entering basic information about yourself, your health status, budget, etc. You can also reach out to insurers by email, phone, or in person. In September, when insurers are bound to communicate the premium of your insurance plan, ask for deals given that you are their repeat customer. With quotes in your hand, compare the benefits the deals have on offer. So, it is certainly not hard to get low-cost insurance. You only need to be aware and alert about a few things. 

What to Compare Really?

The most crucial parameter in any insurance is the premium, which is must be within your recurring budget. It also must be an amount that justifies the features offered in the insurance plan. Several factors influence the premium you pay. Let’s understand these factors.

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Which Type of Health Insurance Suits Your Needs? 

There are two categories of health insurance in Switzerland you can select from, basic and supplementary. The basic insurance covers almost all your medical needs, like general checkups, inpatient, outpatient, emergency services, eye care, dental emergencies, maternity care, rehabilitation services, and vaccinations. Basic insurance is mandatory even for expats, who must go for this medical cover within three months. Basic insurance can help you keep your insurance cost low. 

So, when most medical needs get covered under basic, what is the relevance of supplementary insurance? You will need to go for supplementary insurance if your medical needs are more than your basic insurance covers. If you suffer from lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, or a neurological disorder or a cancer patient, your doctor consultations, medical investigations, treatments, etc., are higher than usual. Or, if you wish to go for private wards and doctors of your choice for regular treatments, supplementary insurance is a must for you.

Do You Need Accident Coverage?

In Switzerland, if you are employed for more than eight hours a week, your employer is insured against occupational and nonoccupational accidents. You can reduce the premium by excluding accident cover. 

Pay More Deductible to Lower the Premium

Any Swiss health insurance has a deductible part and a premium part. The deductible is the fixed amount you pay once a year to the government for your treatment. Increasing the deductible lowers the premium. So, when studying the plans offered by insurers, include this as a checkpoint. Go for a higher deductible if your medical needs are low. The highest deductible you can opt for is CHF 2,500, and the lowest is CHF 300. 

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Draw Canton Benefits

The canton you live in impacts the premium and discounts on the insurance. This is because the rules and regulations for insurance are not the same across Switzerland but are canton specific. Include this vital piece of information when asking for quotes from insurance providers.

Are you an EU Citizen Residing in Switzerland?

If you are an EU citizen and your stay in Switzerland is less than three months, European Health Insurance Card (EHIC card) can get you the best deals on health insurance. This is another tool for you to take out health insurance with ease. 

Ask for Lump Sum Payment

When shopping for high-cost household items, whenever you pay a significant portion upfront, your installments become small, right? The same principle applies to health insurance as well. Ask insurers for discounts they can offer if you pay a lump sum amount. You can minimize the premium of your insurance this way. It certainly is not hard to take out health insurance by keeping such smart methods in mind. 

Ensure the Family to Take out Low-Cost Insurance 

It is a win-win situation for you if you cover your family in a single plan. Even newborn babies must be insured when they arrive in this world. You can cover your parents, spouse, and even your dependent siblings in a family plan to reduce the cost of insurance. Health insurance comparison in Switzerland covers everything, you just have to get online to choose the most efficient plan. The health insurance comparison Website is available in Italian

A little bit of window shopping helps for insurance plans! The key is to jot down your needs in detail, furnish these details when seeking quotations, and compare the deals with all permutations and combinations of offered features, the premium amount, and the discounts in mind to get a low-cost insurance cover. 


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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