Marketing Ideas to Increase Sales for Your Small Business

Marketing Ideas to Increase Sales for Your Small Business

The problem of revenue, cost, and profit is always a headache for businesses. In theory, you can increase sales by increasing the number of customers, increasing the number of purchases, increasing the value of purchases, increasing the price of products … These goals can be achieved by improving Marketing activities. And here are marketing solutions to increase sales that any business should try.

Boost Video Marketing Strategy

Video is becoming a part of our lives. Taking advantage of this, video marketing is a powerful and effective marketing trend, contributing largely to increasing sales for website sales.

Speaking of videos, we will immediately think of YouTube. YouTube is the world’s largest video social network with more than 1 billion users and more than 1 billion hours of video viewing every day. Every 60 seconds, up to 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube. These numbers show us how great the world’s video demand is.

In addition to YouTube, other social networks are also an alternative television, attracting millions of views every day. Among them, there is Facebook, the largest social network on the planet.

According to statistics, up to 500 million people watch videos on Facebook every day, causing the number of videos on the platform to reach 8 billion by the end of 2015, and still growing strongly. More than half of all Video Ad Maker viewers are through mobile devices.

Video creators are also becoming more innovative, as they actually get higher chances to become viral on Facebook. If you want to make your videos unique, there is a Facebook Video Maker that can let you edit your videos easily even if you don’t have editing skills.

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Video marketing becomes a trend, not just because more people watch it. Statistics and data analysis explain the conditions that make video marketing a great success.

Therefore, a free video editor with pro features will absolutely a weapon, a supporter for your business to attract more customers and help you to increase sales.

Incentives and Promotions

Sale, deal or discount code is the most popular solution to increase sales today. Even many people are ADDICTIVE hunting for incentives that are willing to spend a huge amount of money to buy many products at the same time, although there is not really a demand.

However, the discount of 30% or 50% is an old and outdated idea. Motivate customers to shop right now with more new offers such as Free shipping codes, check in to receive gifts, play bonus games, invite more friends to get discounts, time slots with good price.

Encourage Customers to Introduce Products

Businesses that advertise themselves well is not as heavy as an objective comment from customers. Selling is easier than ever for customers who have been introduced to your product by an acquaintance. This revenue-increasing solution is especially suitable for beauty services with female clients. Because they often share beauty secrets through word of mouth – it’s a very effective channel.

You can offer incentives to ask customers to introduce or the most sustainable way is to SEO for the Website to the Top so that customers mention your business more, constantly improving the quality of products and services to make them. must admire and praise yourself about your product or service.

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Loyalty Customers – Remarketing

Maintaining a buying – selling relationship with customers is one of the solutions to increase stable revenue for businesses. They bought once, so they are more likely to buy again if they are satisfied with the product or service. However, customer loyalty is not an inevitable part of an economy. They may turn their backs on you whenever they find another business that offers a better product at a cheaper price.

So encourage them to stay with you by making them special. Membership cards, VIP cards and exclusive privileges for loyal customers are the perfect strategies for businesses to retain their loyalty file.

Optimize Advertisement and Forms of Reaching Customers

The solution to increase revenue, increase conversion rates and the most breakthrough sales is advertising. But not all ads are effective, businesses need to find ways to optimize advertising and access to customers. Many businesses are willing to spend hundreds of millions on website construction, Facebook advertising, Google Adwords advertising, TV advertising or SEO activities but do not know how to evaluate the effectiveness and optimize these activities.


By closely linking Marketing – Sales – Service departments, improving marketing activities like video marketing, promotion program along with internal training and progress, thereby increasing potential customers, optimizing revenue by thoroughly exploiting customer data, maintaining and expanding loyal customers. Create a unified operating system to maximize business growth, expand customers and grow faster with your small business.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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