6 Mobile Apps That Will Be A Game-Changer For Your Life

We all know how important it is to have a mobile phone that will be functional and let us take amazing pictures. However, as a device that we have to use daily, we must take full advantage of it. So, today, we will talk about the coolest mobile phone apps that will help you to improve your lifestyle. Changing small habits can be a true game-changer for your well-being and to become the best version of yourself.

So, stop thinking about only choosing the best smartphone accessories for your phone, and start thinking about the content that you can have on it. Sometimes, we just need a little push to improve our lives, and the next apps will be helpful for that.

  1. Walk Up Alarm Clock

One of the main reasons why people get late to work is oversleeping. It has happened to all of us; we hear the alarm, and instead of waking up, we tell ourselves 5 more minutes, turn off the alarm, and suddenly half-hour has passed. If this is a common scenario in your life, then you must use the walk up alarm clock. As the name says, you’ll have to walk at least 10 steps (you can adjust them to be more) before being able to stop the alarm.

We can assure you that hitting snooze and going back to sleep would be impossible with this app. Being late for work or anywhere else will be a thing of the past if you download walk up alarm clock on your phone.

  1. Forest

Did you know that people spend five to six hours on their phones daily? Losing this amount of time watching videos, checking social media, etc., can be the reason why you don’t have time for other activities. Also, it may be the cause why you are not as productive in your job if you work from home. Luckily, the solution for this issue is here with the Forest app.

By setting a timer that goes between 10 minutes and 2 hours, a tree will start growing in your app, but it will die if you exit the application to check other stuff in your phone. The best part is that you’ll be helping real people around the world with every virtual tree that you grow. Every time you grow a tree, you’ll receive coins that you can use to plant real trees in Africa.

  1. Stoic
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Nowadays, we all have become more aware of the key role that mental health plays in our lives. Stoic is an app that will help you to have a happier and more tranquil life; thanks to the mental and reflective exercises. For instance, you can start the day with an exercise specifically created for the morning routine that will help you to be more motivated and fuller of energy. Also, you can use it in a moment of stress or sadness or whenever you need a break from whatever you’re doing.

People who have used it claim that this app has been crucial to better know themselves, have peace of mind, be open to growth, and overall, to be a better version of themselves. The only downside of this app is that it’s only available for IOS, so if you have an Android operating system, you won’t be able to use it.

  1. Sleep Cycle

Sleeping properly is crucial for mental health, improving physical activity, and overall, for being in a good mood. Therefore, it’s important to know our quality of sleep and how we can improve it. The sleep cycle is a famous app that will track your sleeping patterns based on sounds, like movement and breathing. After weeks of gathering this information, the app would give you a report on how to improve your sleeping routine.

Also, it can help you fall asleep easily, and it will wake you up at the most convenient time, so you don’t oversleep and feel well-rested. With this app, you’ll be having the best nights of sleep in the entire world.

  1. Todoist

We all know how overwhelming can be to organise your day and make sure that everything you needed to get done was actually done. Being constantly thinking about what you must do can lead to anxiety and a bad mood. Hence, having an app that will help you organise your day is a must. And that is what you’ll find if you use Todoist. This project management software will help you to effectively manage your home and job tasks, and everything you have to do in the day.

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Stop feeling overwhelmed just by downloading this app; your lifestyle will improve in a blink of an eye. The only downside is that the free version is limited, but the premium version is affordable.

  1. Headspace

In the past years, meditation has become a big deal for people. One of the most important things about meditating is that it helps you manage stress and feel calm. Taking time to do meditation daily can improve your mood and well-being easily. But if you’re not sure how to meditate, then you must use the app headspace. It will help you relax your mind, have better sleep nights and make every day happier.

We know that sometimes it is hard to know how to meditate and for how long to do it, but this app will guide you through it.


Besides only thinking about the different types of mobile phone holders that you can purchase for your mobile phone, you should be also thinking about the apps you have on it. There are plenty of tools out in the market that is made to help you go through your day-to-day. So, instead of only downloading games, or social media apps, you can start making the most out of your mobile. Choose apps that will help you improve some aspects of your life, and therefore, you’ll feel and be better every day.

If you don’t want to spend money on the apps, remember that plenty of them have the free trial version. Start better with that version, and if you feel that it is the right app for you, then go for the premium version.

Author Bio:

Hello everyone, I am Ariana Mortenson, a professional writer and blogger. I write on various niches in a way that it’s understandable and appealing to the people. I aim to achieve a difference through my writing which allows you to make informed and valuable choices. Follow me back on Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

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Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.