Why SEO &  Web Development Is More Worth Together

Why SEO &  Web Development Is More Worth Together

In 2021, if you think SEO is only about link building and keyword research, then good luck. All projects that such SEOs take, lead them to doom — catastrophe, complete waste of money and resources for the stakeholders!

Gone are the days when you could rank on Google by stuffing a bunch of keywords in the content. Google is smart enough to detect such spamming and eventually penalizes such websites.

Furthermore, the giant search engine has never been so conscious about the user experience. Even if your website has enough information but it’s hard to navigate, causing the user to bounce off, Google will consider the content unworthy.

So, it turns out SEO and web development go together, which makes it crucial to hire a web developer. They are so apt for the web development that the website renders exactly the kind of experience Google expects. And the same is true for SEOs — they must dig deep and find out obscured on-site SEO problems that may negatively affect a site’s ranking.

Let’s cut to the chase and discuss the things related to web development that an SEO must know and how together an SEO and a web developer can make a great combo.

Website’s Loading Speed is Important for SEO

Page speed has long been considered an important ranking factor. As mentioned before, Google expects the indexed websites to show instant results to the user upon a certain query.

Therefore, if a web page takes too long to be late, the user will click back and look for his answers on another website. And ultimately, it’s the job of a web developer to optimize the site for page speed.

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If a page takes longer than 5 seconds to load, it will lose 30% of the visitors even before they have landed on the website. This bounce rate signals to Google that the visitor didn’t get what he/she was looking for.

A web developer must understand the difference between cluttered code and SEO-friendly code to keep the website as Google-friendly as possible.

User Interface

There’s a reason why web development companies in Dubai are hiring UX/UI experts to work on the interface of their client’s website. In the end, it all comes down to the user experience — how convenient it is for the user to access the information available on a website.

The same goes for e-commerce websites. If they want the user to convert, the faces behind it must make the whole shopping experience a great one. Just on a single tap or by typing the product they are looking for, a visitor should get relevant suggestions.

This is another aspect web development companies and SEO services in Dubai must understand. Maybe you have done everything right in terms of the on-page and off-page SEO, but your website’s interface is not good enough to be ranked on Google.

Mobile Compatibility

According to DesignAdviser, 70% of people are likely to return to a website if it’s optimized for mobile. The latest statistics suggest 50% of the traffic a website gets comes from mobile phones.

So if a website is not optimized for mobile, it will never do well in SERP. And who makes a website responsive? Of course, the developer. That’s why nowadays a web developer has no worth in the market if he can’t make a website responsive.

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Mobile responsiveness has become such an obvious factor for SEO that Google has even stopped mentioning it anymore in its core updates. It’s a prerequisite for getting ranked on Google — irrespective of the fact how easy or competitive your niche is.

On-Site & Technical SEO

When it comes to an on-site and technical SEO audit, a developer can perform it better because of his coding expertise. A developer knows where to go to fix a certain section, where to insert tags that help in SEO rankings, how to upload robots.txt files on the website, etc.

If an SEO has no technical knowledge of web development, it would be a bit risky for him to play with the existing code. One wrong move and he can mess up the functionality of a website, affect the responsiveness, and at worst delete an important chunk of code.

But if you are an SEO with sufficient knowledge of coding, you will find it quite easy. In fact, you can make a few customizations as well here and there to improve the look and feel of your website.

When SEOs & Web Developers Team Up…

Business today not just needs a website but a web application that actually ranks on Google. Though they hire digital marketing agencies and SEO services to work on this aspect of the website, some SEO factors are connected to the development of a website.

Ultimately, it’s the developer’s job to make a website responsive, interface user friendly and optimize its page speed. Besides that, for uploading files through the cPanel or WordPress, a developer’s knowledge of coding and where a certain piece of code is located comes in handy.

So, if you have both expertise, or you have teamed up with an SEO while you are a developer, you can grab lucrative projects from different channels.



Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.