Seven Explanation On Why Social Media Is Important

Seven Explanation On Why Social Media Is Important

Social media has become the town hall of the global audience in this digitally connected world. The social media statistics show that a whooping 3.96 billion people across the globe use it. That is more than half of the human population on the planet. That’s not all, this number is only going to rise with fast and easily accessible internet and  high penetration of smartphones. With big numbers and attention at stake social media has emerged as an important tool for business as well. The need for the best Instagram post designer, Facebook post designer, LinkedIn post designer etc highlights the fact.

Social media has presented itself as an attractive and effective marketing tool for business. Today there is hardly any business whose digital marketing strategy has no involvement of social media as an important component. Attention, engagement, and connection have become the words for businesses when it comes to social media. If you believe that apart from creating a presence there is nothing then it’s time to re-think.  Well, don’t think too much here we go to discuss that all right here right now.

No Cost Yet Effective

Creating an account and publishing posts is something that most of the social media platforms offer for free. Thus, as a business there is no cost publicity and marketing available through that channel. Further the marketing plans of various social media platforms offer you the flexibility to start with low investment and set your own goal. A cost-effective result is what you are sure to get in this case.

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Creating Awareness

Creating awareness is the first thing you want to cement your brand in the market. Social media with all the audience from various age groups provide an option for that. You can target the audience not locally but globally and can attract leads for your business. Further, you can specifically target the age group, gender etc as the social media manager of the various online platforms offers this feature for promotion of business.

Engagement Factor

When a user likes, follows or subscribes to your social media page then he gets regular updates of your posts. Your posts about your business, services , offers etc creates a sense of bond to the user. Thus, when the user looks for a service or good that your business is also offering there is a high chance that he would turn towards you. User engagement is the thing that makes this possible. Social media provides that connection for engagement.

Building Trust 

A good percentage of users like to search about the feedback and response before availing service or buying goods. On social media your business pages carry feedback, ratings and response from people who have availed your services. These responses and feedback help to build trust and serve as testimony of your business for those who can be your potential clients. Through social media a trust factor is also established in this way.

User To User Publicity

Social media is a network of various profiles that are connected to each other. When some of the users become your followers others who follow them get suggestions to follow your pages. Further the users who are following your pages share your posts, offers, videos etc on social media making other people aware of your brand. This way a user to user publicity is created.

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Traffic Rise 

Through social media publicity you can drive a good amount of traffic on your webpages. Mentioning links, hyperlinks to direct traffic to websites is a common thing in social media marketing. The increase of footfall on your web pages means more chances of getting a lead. This in turn means more chances of conversion and revenue generation.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial thing in digital marketing. It is obvious that you would like your pages to rank high when search related to that is made. Social media marketing helps in boosting SEO. As above we talked about traffic that creates more impression , the footfall on websites is a key thing in SEO. Through social media sharings and postings the search engine gets the signal of the validity and consistency of your presence and thus it ranks it up in searches.

Author Bio:

Hermit Chawla is a Marketing Manager at Sprak Design. He would love to share thoughts on Instagram Post Designer, Lifestyle Design, Branding Firm, Exhibition design etc..


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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