The 6 features of an Ideal Cloud Hosting Provider

If you are looking forward to making the most of your decision to run a business then you will have to consider several aspects. This is the main reason why running a business requires multi-tasking. There is no denial in the fact that you can’t be good at all the things but still, you will have to find ways to get things done perfectly in your firm. Most of the processes and solutions in your business can be surely kept in-house and there is nothing wrong with it but then there are those solutions and processes of your business that requires outsourcing.
With outsourcing becoming a new normal for most of the businesses, even small and medium-sized businesses are flocking to this new normal without any second thoughts. There are many advantages offered by outsourcing and in this blog post, we are going to look at one of the most commonly used outsourced services and that is cloud hosting. You should know that cloud hosting is the hosting of your business solution on the cloud platform rather than being installed on the desktop.
For example, if you have decided to choose cloud hosting for QuickBooks instead of installing the software solution on your desktop then you have surely made a good decision. But there is one thing that you will need to do right in order to step up to the plate and this will be choosing the right cloud hosting provider. There are many providers out there that are offering cloud hosting service but not all of them offer world-class cloud hosting services. This is why, in this blog post, we are going to look at the top 7 features of an ideal cloud hosting provider so that you can zero down from the available options of cloud hosting providers and then chose the best one from them.
High uptime
One of the first features of a good cloud-hosted services should be a high uptime and it is a must-have feature. While working on the desktop installed solution, you may face regular interruption because you are totally dependent upon your local hardware which is notorious for allowing malfunction to enter the system. But when you will shift to the cloud hosting such as QuickBooks hosting platform then you will be able to maintain your business continuity since cloud offers minimum interruption. If you are sure that you have chosen the best cloud hosting provider from the market then they must be offering at least 99.99% of high uptime.
Round the clock customer support
A good cloud hosting provider knows that no business in any corner of the world will be interested in dealing with the IT issues as they are already bogged down with so much work. This is the main reason why good cloud hosting providers always offer round the clock customer support from a team of highly skilled and experienced IT professionals. A good cloud hosting provider will never charge you anything extra for this technical support and their response rate should also be amazing. If your cloud hosting provider is not offering you round the clock technical support then you should start looking for other options.
Scalable solution
An ideal cloud hosting provider should be able to grow with your business and with your growing needs; you will never need to switch to another cloud hosting provider. An ideal cloud hosting provider knows that small and medium-sized businesses have a very high chance of growth and with growing needs; the cloud accounting needs will also increase. This is the main reason why an ideal cloud hosting provider will always offer a scalable cloud hosting service. This allows the user to scale up or even scale down their cloud package as per their need and within minimum possible time. Scalability becomes paramount if you are running a small-sized business.
No involvement of contract
If you have chosen a cloud hosting provider and if he is asking you to sign a contract then you can be sure that is the cloud hosting provider is not good for you. Cloud hosting services are known for their flexibility and this allows the user to switch from one cloud hosting provider to another without any difficulty. If a cloud hosting provider will tie you with a contract then even when the cloud hosting provider will be offering pathetic cloud hosting service, you will not be able to switch to another cloud hosting provider before a particular time period like 1 year or 6 months. Such type of restriction can prove to be noxious for your business.
Economical pricing
A good cloud hosting provider will always offer you economical pricing since cloud hosting services are known for their pricing. If you have switched to cloud hosting and if you are finding that the cloud hosting service is proving to be a money-guzzler for you then there are maximum chances that you have chosen a wrong cloud hosting provider. In order to know the average price of cloud hosting, you will have to look at the price offered by different cloud hosting providers and then you will be able to know the average pricing of cloud hosting services. You will be dumbfounded to know that you can get cloud hosting services in as little as $30 per month.
100% transparency
An ideal cloud hosting provider will never keep anything hidden from you because a good cloud hosting provider will always believe in maintaining 100% transparency. You will never have to face any bad surprises after choosing a cloud hosting service. There are many cloud hosting providers out there that will have hidden prices or they might trick you in believing that the uptime is 99.99% but in actuality, it will be much less. You should always stay away from such cheap tricks.
If you will look at the above-mentioned features in a cloud hosting provider then you will surely be able to zero down the available options of cloud hosting provider and choose the best one out of them for your business.
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