Data visualization is a better alternative to spreadsheets, which can be stressful and boring. They’re more readable and digestible, allowing you to view the larger picture of your SEO effort at a glance.

Various data visualization tools will help you see how creatively you may present different types of data. It allows you to manage your data and keep track of your past campaigns from a single location. Otherwise, the data is just a set of pretty figures that should be used for projections, internal changes, and executive choices. The question of whether structured data impacts rankings has sparked a lot of debate and various tests.

If you’re going to convey your performance to your stakeholders, you’ll need to use data visualization. With visuals, you can quickly demonstrate the effectiveness of your SEO companies work and establish whether it is genuinely contributing to your client’s revenue growth. You may also show how rankings have improved and resulted in more conversions and organic traffic. Here are a few variables you may track and present:

  • Visibility: On a scale of 0 to 100, visibility calculates a website’s organic visibility trend for specific keywords you’re tracking in your SEO campaign. So, if your organic visibility is 100 percent, your tracked keywords are at the top of the search results.
  • Volume: The average monthly volume of searches is referred to as volume. Most digital marketers concentrate on tracking high-volume keywords, but that doesn’t imply you shouldn’t track low-volume keywords as well.
  • Page: This refers to the page that is currently ranking for a particular term. It will assist you in locating the highest-ranking pages.
  • Position: This refers to where you rank in Google or any other search engine.

You can mix and match these indicators based on which are most important to your clients. The trick is to do things in such a way that the tale of what you’re doing can be best explained.


The objectives you’ve outlined for your entire digital marketing strategy are the foundation of a successful data visualization strategy. What are your goals for your campaigns? Do you want to increase your SEO? More time on the page for your content? Have you increased online sales? These goals will help you decide what should be included in your data visualization reports.

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Okay, you’ve decided what you want to achieve. What key performance metrics are now demonstrating progress toward those goals? Let’s look at an SEO case study.

Assume you want to use Google organic traffic to increase your online sales. As a result of this goal, the following KPIs should be measured:

  • Sales from organic traffic
  • Sessions from organic traffic
  • Keyword rankings for target products

Regarding keyword search volume, KPIs should go beyond the immediate aim in keyword search volume, even in this small case. In SEO, all of these factors are interconnected. If your keyword rankings are low, you’ll have a more challenging time getting organic traffic. You won’t be able to fulfill your goal of boosting organic search income if you don’t get organic sessions.

Important: When you use this data visualization technique while building your digital marketing strategy, you’ll be able to track results as soon as your campaigns go public.


I’m sure you’re wondering how you may effectively use data visualization tools to better your SEO firm right now. Let’s take a look at a few of the options:

  • Use data visualization to represent backlink information for networking opportunities: You can develop better relationships with the owners of other websites by efficiently employing data visualization tools to describe your backlink information.
  • Compare organic ranks between you and your competitors using tools like the Sankey diagram: You’ll be able to see who your competitors are and how you can improve your ranking on search engine result pages if you visualize your position on search engine result pages.
  • Representing generated data with data visualization tools: There is no better approach to improving your organization than utilizing the data you’ve accumulated. This is where data visualization tools such as the Sankey diagram can help you improve your business.
  • Effectively utilizing the volume of keyword searches: You’ve probably heard that without the power of keywords, you can’t achieve anything with SEO or PPC. Keywords aid in determining what your potential clients are searching for. Setting yourself up to suit their needs will greatly benefit your company. Using tables, pie charts, bar charts, or the Sankey diagram to graphically depict your keywords offers you a consistent picture of what you need to do.
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According to an MIT study, our brains analyze images at a quick rate. Including pictures in your article not only breaks up the text and offers your reader something else to look at, but it may also speed up their processing of the material.

Consider this: since the dawn of cave painting, we’ve been communicating visually. Data visualization takes graphical communication to the next level by merging numbers and statistics into generating fascinating visuals that your brain can absorb faster than merely scanning numbers.

Furthermore, it entails more than simply laying out the numbers. Data visualization is the process of presenting data in a certain way to support or explain a point. It’s more than just a table of numbers that the reader must decipher for themselves.


The first thing to keep in mind is that SEO involves more than just organic search traffic. Understanding how SEO works has extra advantages. Backlinks, referring domains, organic ranking, and so on.

Furthermore, there is no better way to efficiently enhance your SEO if you don’t use Data Visualization to represent it. You can understand the information you need to grow your SEO firm using tools like the Sankey diagram, pie charts, bar charts, and scatter plots.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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