What is a Mock Interview?

The performance pressure during your first interview is definitely real and no matter how prepared you are, you’ll still have a lagging sense. This is why the mock interviews are conducted to steam off some of the pressure.
Mock interviews are essentially practiced interviews that give you a real-time experience of a regular interview. You can get acquainted with your flaws and you can also receive constructive feedback related to what you can expect when you go for an actual interview.
So this way you can prepare beforehand and test your general interview skills. These types of interviews are held under the supervision of a career counselor, as they possess the required skill-set to guide you through the whole process and correct your professional behavior and ethics.
In this blog, we are going to discuss the different aspects of a mock interview while also touching upon the subject of the online test series and the Accenture mock test.
Benefits of a Mock Interview
Here are some of the optimal benefits of a Mock interview:
- Practice common questions- Since the interview is conducted by a professional counselor who is already familiar with the pattern and general questions asked in an interview, you might get some insights into what your actual interview is going to be like.
- Get general awareness- Not all of us who are going for an interview have the idea of what we should be expecting from the interview, so appearing for a mock interview beforehand gives us a little perspective.
- Improves communication- It is common to become nervous when you are going for your first interview, this is exactly what career counselors are there for. You can get off some of the tension if you appear for a mock interview first.
- Learn potential pattern- A mock interview will also guide you along the lines of the general pattern of the actual interview. This way you can come fully prepared and there will be absolutely no element of surprise there.
- Learn potential questions- There is definitely a reason why only renowned counselors are allowed to conduct the mock interview. They are not only there to guide you but they will also be able to provide you with the potential questions or at least the essential topics that you have to cover to prepare for the interview.
Online test series
The online test series is basically the first round of an interview; this generally tests your knowledge in the areas of quantitative aptitude, reasoning, essay writing, and verbal ability. We will now discuss some of the important topics that you are required to cover for your quantitative aptitude:
- Boat and Stream
- Profit and loss
- Time and distance
- Time and work
- Partnership
- Allegation or mixture
- Probability
- Permutation and combination
- Problem on ages
- Ration & proportion
- Data interpretation
- Clock
It is suggested that you try to solve the questions from the quantitative aptitude section within one minute or less than that if possible. This will save you a lot of time to answer the other lengthier questions of your online test series.
For that you can try and use short tricks to solve the problems faster, if you want to dive deeper into this you can refer to any of the YouTube channels or even websites that are available out there for a better understanding of this section of online test series.
Now, here are some of the important topics for reasoning:
- Number series
- Letter and symbol
- Direction
- Code decode
- Syllogism
- Setting arrangement
- Data sufficiency
- Char puzzle
For the verbal ability section, you will most likely be provided with audio which you will have to repeat after listening to it once. The voice of the speaker will have an accent i.e American so try your best to focus on their pronunciation and then repeat the sentence like you normally would in your own accent.
Finally, for the essay writing part, you have been acquainted with this throughout the duration of your school life so this should not be more of a challenge. Just ensure that you include an introduction and a conclusion to your essay; the rest will fall into place.
Accenture mock test
A mock test for Accenture is not mandatory but regardless every candidate is mailed a proper link to take the mock test if they feel the need to do so. Also, the company organizes 3 mock tests and it is suggested that you opt to take the mock tests.
This way you will get to learn all about the pattern, questions, and other cues for the interview which you surely might not have been acquainted with, especially if this is the first interview that you will be appearing for.
As for the pattern of the mock test, it will be divided into mainly two sections i.e MCQs and Hands-On. For the MCQs section, you will be provided a time duration of 90 minutes and the question weightage will be 50 marks. You are required to keep your webcam on for the whole duration of the interview and the Mettl Browser will be used for this section of your test.
The Hands On is the coding section of the mock test where you will be given a time limit of 70 minutes. There will be mainly 2-3 questions in this round and the weightage of this section is 50 in total as well. This section will be conducted in the Tekstak Portal.
The MCQs section does not contain any negative marking and the Hands On section marking depends on your execution of the coding. You will be required to solve at least 2 coding questions out of which you will be marked as per your skills for attempting the questions.
That is pretty much all you need to know about the mock interviews, online test series, and Accenture mock test. Now although we have already discussed that it is not mandatory to take the online test, it is definitely suggested that you appear for at least one of them in order to get a gist of what you can expect during the interview.
Also many a time you’ll find it convenient to just appear for the actual interview right away but it is suggested that you appear for a mock interview first to get the gist of the real interview.