7 Ways AR and VR Can Transform the Gaming Industry

7 Ways AR and VR Can Transform the Gaming Industry

The gaming industry has always been an early adopter of technology. The innovations help consumers to achieve greatest enjoyment of the games.

And now AR and VR are set to transform the gaming industry. We will show you how below. But first, let’s start by understanding the two technologies.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality provides an immersive experience by replacing the real world with a virtual one. By donning a virtual reality headset, users feel like they are in another world .

You can explore the deep seas and swim next to sharks, right from the comfort of your living room. Imagine test driving the latest Porsche without having to step into one.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality superimposes virtual or computer-generated elements onto the real world.

Companies like IKEA allow you to design your interior space from your mobile device. All you need is to pick what you like and see how it will look in the available space.

Another very successful example is Pokémon go. More than one billion downloads shows the gaming potential of such technologies.

From the above definitions the difference is clear. One provides for total immersion by blocking out the physical world. The other, in this case, AR, does not replace the physical world. Rather it enhances it with virtual elements.

So how can the two technologies transform the gaming industry?

1.   3D to Enhance the Gaming Experience

3D is by no means a new concept. You may have seen its applications in movies like Avatar. What makes it unattractive to many is the cost implications.

Yet, such applications can make players feel like they are an integral part of the game. It will be interesting to see how the gaming industry provides cost-effective solutions.

2.   Better Engagement

The gaming industry services modern customers who are very demanding. Gamers want excitement and captive experiences, which they get from the immersion.

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Having AR and VR technologies will increase the appeal. The result is better engagement for gamers. Accessories like hand controllers and headsets further increase the excitement.

Imagine immersion levels that are so complete that you are not quite sure where you are. That is what applications like virtual reality bring to the gaming industry.

3.   Real-Time Interactions

Augmented reality combines the physical and virtual worlds. So, are you ready to transform the gaming industry? If yes, Future Colossal is one of the best advertising companies that can help users enjoy real-time interaction with both real and virtual elements.

The combination is thrilling because it enhances a gamer’s perception of the world. Gaming industry players must work harder to increase such scenarios.

4.   Remote Recreation with Augmented Reality

Remote AR is transforming the gaming industry by connecting players from all over. All the interactions occur in augmented reality.

Players access games via mobile devices. They then use the same to share information and experiences. The level of interconnectivity of such technologies makes it easy for immersive interactions. The same can occur in multiplayer platforms.

Multiplayer games allow for more people to join in the game. VR experiences tend to have only one player. Some companies now offer group experiences . They use accessories like haptic bodysuits, motion capture technology, and immersive 4D experiences.

5.   Virtual Physicality with Virtual Reality

One challenge with virtual reality is the need for gaming accessories. You have to have the right headsets, goggles, and so much more to enjoy the immersive experience. The same does not apply to augmented reality. With a smartphone and the right app, you can access the technology.

And now, some industry players are introducing physicality to virtual reality. Users must go to a location that has the right attendant props. If you are exploring caves, for example, you may feel the dampness in the air. If you’re on top of a virtual building and there is a strong gust of wind, you feel the scaffolding shake. The hyper-realistic experiences enhance the thrill for gamers.

6.   Greater Potential for Mobile Platforms

The current situation is that AR gaming confines the user to mobile platforms. For hardcore or elite gamers, these may not work.

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Some challenges are also present in AR mobile app development. They include:-

  • Limited hardware capabilities of the different smart devices. Many smartphone cameras, for example, capture 2D and not 3D images. Yet, the latter is ideal for mobile AR gaming
  • Most experiences only offer single-user capabilities. There is a need to come up with multiplayer platforms
  • Challenges with interoperability of the different software. AN example is the lack of integration between AI browsers and social media.

But, the challenges provide industry players an excellent opportunity to innovate. It will be interesting to see how they take advantage of mobile AR for gaming.

7.   Mainstreaming of AR and VR Games

As we have stated, AR is less costly, making it more accessible to many users. Virtual reality systems and accessories come in at a higher price point. Many individuals will  not be willing to spend that money on gaming. It makes it even more difficult for average or mainstream players.

The gaming industry has to look for a way to bring down the cost of such devices. With such developments, we can expect to see more people use the technologies for gaming.

Final Thoughts

The impact of AR & VR is easy to see across different sectors. The gaming industry is also taking advantage of all they have to offer. Such technologies are creating better engagement and interaction.

The immersive experiences provide an opportunity to explore a virtual world. Gamers find greater excitement with the use of such. There are still some gaps that industry players need to fill.

The provision of more affordable VR accessories is one such gap. Many players feel that the cost is prohibitive. It denies a large pool of the population the opportunity to experience the wonders of VR.

There is also a need for further exploration of the full potential of mobile gaming. Yet, despite the challenges, it will be an exciting space to watch. The success of Pokémon Go, for example, shows us the fantastic potential that exists.

There will also be a lot of competition for customers amongst the industry players. The level of innovation to attract new gamers will be quite exciting. Companies will spare no expense in looking for cost-effective solutions. They must provide the same level of gaming experiences across the board.




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Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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