A Quick Guide for Family Disputes

Litigation is a tough job. It requires a lot of time from both parties. The lawyers for family law make sure that they are providing the best solutions to the couples in case of marriage and divorce. Like everywhere else, Dubai also has family courts. But, a person cannot file his family matter in the local courts, unless an NOC (No Objection Certificate) is provided by the Family Guidance Committee. They try to resolve the issue in a friendly manner between the husband and wife. But, if things do not work, then they approve the case to go to local courts.

However, the Family Guidance Committee needs a proof of marriage – the original marriage certificate and the Emirates ID. The marriage should be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country, alongside attested by the UAE embassy in that country. And before filing the case in the UAE, the same contract needs to be interpreted in Arabic language, stamped by the Ministry of Justice and attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the UAE.

After filing the required documents, the Family Guidance committee will provide a hearing date where the couple has to present themselves in court. If one of the spouses does not attend the hearing, another date is given to both. But, the date is given twice only. The third time, the Family Guidance committee will follow the court orders or whatever both parties decide, mutually.

However, if the husband and wife have come up with a friendly solution, it should be drafted, reviewed and signed by the lawyer along with husband and wife signatures for future reference. Many people would just make agreements according to their knowledge, while not hiring a lawyer. Why? They think that they know laws better than a legal consultant. However, the family lawyers in dubai are well-versed about the latest family laws. To avoid mistakes in your agreement, a skilled divorce lawyer in Townsville can assist you in drafting a better contract with the necessary legal terms and conditions. With the legal consultation, the contract can be made amicable while adding relevant facts and terms for both parties.

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Family Law and Money Inheritance

Money is what everyone wants these days. Having a property could also be a big deal for some people, especially those who belong to financially-stable family backgrounds. Their ancestors have a lot of property to distribute. People begin fighting each other for their financial gains. The brother will fight with his brother and goes on. In such cases the family lawyers are a great help. They will not let anyone else inherit your property unless the documents have fault in them. But what will actually save your time in this process is “registered will” – a document that clearly states the financial distribution of money in the family.

The latest inheritance laws in UAE allow the immigrants to apply the same inheritance laws as in their home country. They can choose the part of laws they want to add in their will. However, the deceased family will get the nationality in such a case where there is no written will. It does not mean that a “registered will” has no value or equivalent to “unregistered will”. If you have planned to live in the UAE, then you must know the importance of having a “registered will”. When the person has a registered will in the UAE, they will have a peace of mind because they would know their financial capacity for life. But, if there is no registered will, the bank accounts of the deceased will be frozen. The transactions will be stopped and it will take time to unfreeze those bank accounts.

Therefore, it is better to ask family lawyers in UAE to help you with registering the will if you have any property in the UAE. But, you should remember that UAE inheritance law will be applied to the ex-pat, irrespective of their national law for immigrants. With the new amendments in the inheritance law of UAE, people are now happier than ever. They are at peace because now they can apply the inheritance laws as their ancestors did. Before making any will, a meeting with a lawyer would be great to do.

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We recommend that please take the legal action but after a legal counselling session with the team of lawyers. Our legal content will certainly increase the knowledge but when it comes to take the practical decision then, better consult the family lawyers first then step in to court.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.