Benefits of Integrating An Identity Verification API into Your System

Benefits of Integrating An Identity Verification API into Your System

It is always better to have some knowledge about the encounter problem before getting into the solution and its benefits.

Identity theft, a serious yet non-negligible issue that is evolving at a tremendous pace all across the globe since the advent of technological progressions and advancements. There would be no wrong in saying that the mother of this dangerous fraud is none other than greed. Hackers are familiar with revolutionary artificial intelligence algorithms and they effectively utilize such techniques to carry out illicit activities. The massive evolution in identity theft cases is prominently observed since the coronavirus outbreak struck. This is because people are prone mostly to contactless technology and they tend to avoid physical contact to stay safe.

Talking of some statistics, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) received more than 1.4 million identity theft cases last year. Not only this, a customer reported losing track of $3.3 billion due to the fraudulent activities that occurred last year. Considering the surge in computational advancements and amplification in cyberattacks, businesses must not think twice to integrate themselves with AI-powered identity verification solutions and services. Such sort of solutions play a vital role to deter evolving fraudulent activities.

Once a business decides the incorporation of AI-powered digital identification solutions for ID fraud prevention, the next big decision of enterprises is to choose the appropriate implementation of the verified system solutions.

Following are the three options that are typically available to the enterprises:

  • API: With the incorporation of API, users are required to upload single pictures of identities and selfies to your business that are then streamed by identity verification providers to come up with the verification decisions.
  • Desktop/Mobile API: One more most popular option is the integration of the identity verification process within the onboarding overflow by utilizing a web browser.
  • Mobile SDK: The functionality of identity verification is effectively embedded within a mobile software development (SDK) that is consolidated in a mobile application utilized by tablets and smartphones.
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Let’s have a look at the benefits enterprises leverage by the integration of identity verification API to their systems.

Automatic Image Capture

The most crucial advantage of API integration is businesses can leverage some build-in features on different devices. Users can simply center their identity documents within a rectangular box on the screen with the automatic image capture and the photo is automatically snapped when the edges are aligned within the capture window. The most crucial and non-negligible solution is that the solution providers can leverage the tremendously powerful functionality for automatically capturing the crisp image of identity documents as well as selfies.

Liveness Detection

Fraudsters and cybercriminals are smart enough to dodge the identity card checks and solutions with deep fake videos and spoofing attacks. Build-in liveness detection ensures that the user is physically present and is not utilizing spoofs. This important functionally can only be leveraged by the incorporation of API implementation so organizations are forced the develop workarounds for the assurance of liveness during the process of new account onboarding.

Faster Verification

Identity verification with the implementation of API makes the verification process faster and more accurate which is the dire need of all sizes of enterprises these days. Identity verification API provides an accurate rate of up to 99% and provides authentic results in a matter of seconds. These fast results enable the enterprises to take appropriate action against the illegal activity at the exact time when that occurs. This way businesses can effectively combat terrorist financing, unauthorized access, money laundering, and other sorts of fraudulent activities and helps the businesses to stay competitive in this revolutionary world.

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Higher Conversion Rates

Identity verification API provides a high conversion rate to businesses of all sizes because of its automated and highly effective image capturing functionalities and intuitive workflow. Up to 70% of the conversion rate towards identity verification with the implementation of API is observed because of its potential advantages and effective capabilities.

Enhanced User Experience

Customers’ demands are up pacing since they are familiar with the progression in cyberattacks and fraudulent activities that are happening across the globe. They have crystal clear requirements in their head regarding the security of data that they provide to businesses.  Identity verification with the help of API integration helps in providing the enhanced user to the potential customers of enterprises by providing them with an enormous rate of accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency.


Consequently, businesses deal with highly sensitive data each day and the protection of that data is something that must never be neglected at any cost. Enhanced security protocols and fraud prevention measures must be attained to deter unauthorized access and other relevant fraudulent activities. Identity verification solutions include document verification, address verification, KYC AML compliance, OCR data extraction, NFC verification, facial biometric authentication, Know Your Business (KYB), Know Your Patient (KYP), Know Your Transaction (KYT), and more.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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