Can I Hire SEO Services In Singapore Even If My Business Is Based In Another Country?

Can I Hire SEO Services In Singapore Even If My Business Is Based In Another Country?

One of the most common concerns with small business owners who are looking to hire an SEO agency is whether or not their location is an important deciding factor. For example, could you hire SEO services in Singapore, even if your business is based in another country entirely? Will it have an impact on your results? Read on and let’s explore the subject further…

Does the location of your SEO agency matter?

Honestly, it really does not matter where your SEO agency is based. Yes, there is the advantage of being able to sit down and have a face to face consultation with a local SEO agency, however, aside from that, there are no other practical advantages to being in close proximity.

Admittedly, a local SEO agency would invariably have a better understanding of the local area and the community, however, any reputable agency with talented content creators can carry out the necessary research and hit the right notes.

Of course, language barriers and time-zones are a consideration. That said, so long as a prospective agency is within at least 6-hours of you and speaks your language, you shouldn’t have any issues.

Getting too wrapped up in proximity can cloud your judgement

Another important consideration is the fact that being too determined to hire a local SEO agency can cloud your judgement. For example, choosing an SEO agency solely because you want to sit down and speak with them face to face could result in your neglecting all of the other important factors when choosing an SEO agency (e.g., white-hat tactics, client testimonials, positive reviews, social proof, and case studies, etc.).

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If ‘proximity’ becomes a non-negotiable, you may invariably have to make exceptions, which could result in hiring an SEO agency with limited resources and capabilities.

On the other hand, if you shop on reputation and results primarily, it doesn’t matter where they are based – and you will have a wealth of world-class agencies at your disposal.

Look for an agency with a proven track record of success

If you can find a local SEO agency that has a proven track record of success, great, but don’t settle for anything less than the best when it comes to the long-term success of your business.

When looking for an SEO agency to accommodate your digital marketing needs, look for the following:

  • Social proof: An SEO agency with a strong social presence and plenty of positive engagement is non-negotiable.
  • 5-star reviews: When an agency has dozens and dozens of positive, 5-star reviews from previous and existing customers, you can put faith in their ability to deliver the same level of satisfaction to you.
  • Case studies: Don’t just take their word for it; look for companies that offer up plenty of different client case studies for you to review. These should be detailed with not just the end results, but how they got their clients to where they are today!

Final thoughts: Location isn’t the ‘be all and end all’

In conclusion, location really isn’t too important when it comes to the viability of an SEO agency. Sure, if you can find a local agency that has a long-standing reputation for delivering world-class results, then go for it.

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That said, it really doesn’t matter if you look for SEO services in Singapore, San Diego, or Saigon – as long as they can bring value to your business.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.