Can you get insurance on the same day as an accident?

Can you get insurance on the same day as an accident?

Driving without insurance, despite the fact it is illegal, is still very common. People simply hope they won’t get in trouble or in a car accident. But once they do, they often regret not having insurance.

In a panic-mode, they’re likely to start thinking about minimizing the consequences.

Unfortunately, retroactive car insurance doesn’t exist and you can never go back in time and cover already-made damages, but you can get car insurance for the future.

This way you’re making sure this situation never happens again.

Car insurance after the accident

After the accident, when the police come to the scene, they determine the facts – both about the accident and about the drivers.

So, if you don’t have car insurance at the moment of an accident, there is no way you can change that fact. Facing penalties, fines or other sorts of payment are your only way of covering accident damages.

Getting car insurance can be quite difficult.  For some insurance companies, it’s enough to have a driver’s licence in order for them to give you the insurance.

Some, on the other hand, review in detail your previous car accidents and how severe they were before they decide whether or not to give you the insurance.

Choosing the right insurance

Depending on the circumstances, you can choose from a variety of companies.

When you’re trying to get car insurance after you’ve already been in an accident, your rates are probably going to be higher than for those without an accident in their record.

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Companies tend to do this if they consider you to be a high-risk driver.

However, in some countries, they also have an ‘‘accident forgiveness policy’’. It means they can lower your rates if you take a defensive driving class.

Buying car insurance in one day

Getting car insurance can be done whenever you want, but it will be valid from that point on and you can’t use it to cover accidents that happen before you bought it.

The good news is you can get insurance right away and become its owner on the same day. Whether you need it to buy a new car or your old insurance expires, this is a great option for you.

The fastest way to do this is do buy the insurance online or via a mobile app from a specific company. Also, you can get it by calling the company.

Before your final decision, make sure you take more offers into consideration. That way you can compare them and choose the one most suitable for you.

Despite all the facts, there are some reasons why the company may deny your wish for same-day insurance.

First of all, this option is often offered only in big companies. Small ones are likely to require coming to the office and the procedure takes more time.

Also, same-day insurance may not be possible if you’re trying to insure a classic car, collector or very expensive car.

Finally, if you didn’t give all the information needed, you won’t be able to get the insurance until you deliver the missing information.

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If you haven’t had a car accident yet, don’t wait another day to get your car insured! This way you’re making your life easier in case of an accident or in case you simply get caught driving without insurance.

Once you’ve been in a car accident without insurance, it affects everything from that point on.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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