Event marketing refers to marketing through commercial events which involves description of products through presentations and exhibits that is promoted by the brands. It involves direct interaction between companies and their customers. Event marketing is generally done when some product or theme has to be launched. It mainly focuses on establishing the brand, creating awareness and building it up. And therefore is scheduled 90 to 180 days prior to the launch of the campaign. The interaction with people helps you recognize the exact ideas and thoughts related to your product that could be exactly what you were looking for.  It creates a stronger bond with your candidates or audiences. It even enhances your sales and positioning in the market. Trade shows including concerts, fairs, events related to sports are some examples of marketing events.

Before launching your influence marketing program you must be well settled with your already planned event, as is the most important task which starts with Organizing a team, setting up of goals and budgets, creating marketing plans and strategies and so much more. Now, moving towards promotion of the event: To successfully market your event, there are few things one should keep in mind which includes Utilizing social platforms, email marketing, making sure your event page gets shine and noticed; press coverage and media sponsorship are included further in the list. Use of hashtags, sale of special tickets, encouraging your attendees to promote the event, rewards and

giveaways also help a lot in promotion of the event. Once everything is set, focus on what is required on the day of the event. Some main parts of it are: The venue, the host, the performers, participations, the registrations and the feedback from the attendees. Since everything is pre planned by your organized team, the venue and the host are not to be concerned here and the participation, registrations and feedbacks would be spot on. But the performers may or may not be from your team; so we will focus here the most.

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Now Let us learn about influencers here

A person who can effectuate someone’s buying decisions and are basically called an influencer or influence marketers. They can be single or multiple, micro or macro. Marketing through individual influencers has a lot of benefits including building your brand, reaching new audiences, increasing SEO value, broadening your content strategy etc. They are affordable, shareable and relevant to all forms of advertising.

Since we have an event marketing plan; using influencers for our promotion would enhance the outcomes. It builds our momentum in lesser time. One of the advantages of using influencer marketing is they themselves fulfill a lot of expectations of the customers. But working with someone who is not from your team or department demands a lot of processing to make them fit-in. Before shaping them we have to make sure our audience would be interactive to influencer campaigns and does not manipulate our goals. The content delivered through them must be aligned strategically with the campaign, So that it does not dispute the overall campaign executions. Deciding the appropriate influencer is a time taking task and should be chosen right because promotions through them are their work specific. You can select them through any social platform or through direct contact. Once chosen, decide the content structure and allot them. If changes have to be made, let them open up to you and share their views respectively because this makes the content more believable. Think about offering a great deal in exchange, either monetary or freebies in order to leverage the influencer. Appeal them to share pictures with your brand/product hashtags, weeks before happening of the event. Share the guest lists with them so that they may alter their content according to them and mention them while promoting the campaign. Wait till they work on things and show up with an upgrade, every time a part of the plan is executed. Once the event is over, apart from the hard work done by your team, the role played by the influencer would prove to be a massive profiting one. Analyze the progressions. Admire the whole operations by preparing a thanks giving speech. Ask your customers and audiences for feedback. Announce discounts, offers to limited consumers and complementary prizes to whoever supports the product furthermore.

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Another thing is to share more but not on a regular basis! Never stop spreading awareness even after the event is finished. Let people know more regarding the experiences and reviews. Share your untiring work process, the fun things and whatever was learnt through it. Appreciate each role played from minor to major. Plan an after party for all the managers, organizers, your team and the influencer. And then, start planning your next event!


Influencer marketing is generating massive profits in sales awareness of brands and marketers. What’s important is you should be clear about your goal no matter if your business is small or vast plus you need to be well aware of your event to be planned with determined success ratio as when things are done with determination, the outcome never goes wrong.



Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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