How to Be in Touch with Your Clients – Must Know

Clients are like plants. You have to keep watering them if you want to see them grow. What this means is that you, as a business, have to ensure that they’re happy and well-served by having regular contact with them. Communication and transparency with clients are the most important factors that will build your relationship and, hence, your business with them.
It’s your business acumen that will bring the “bread to your table”. There are several ways for your business to prosper, and besides a good business plan, the most important aspect is “client communication” or ‘how to be in touch with your clients’.
How to Be in Touch with Your Clients
Let’s never forget that it’s your clients who would drive your business. In order to ensure “ease of business,” it is imperative to adopt as many channels of communication as possible. Your focus should always be upon making the customers feel special. This may require some extra effort on your part however, through this approach, you would realize that the returns are more than the investment.
But how do you stay in touch without overdoing it? How do you ensure you have a healthy relationship without hassling anyone? Here are some tips on how to successfully keep in touch with those you do business with. The important steps to be adopted are summarized in succeeding paragraphs:
Build Your Website:
Start by developing online presence through steps like building a website where you must describe and elaborate your services on offer. Give your prospective clients the information they need and the ability to contact you.
The website may also host your blog. The blog may be used to post regular advice for your target audience. Write about stuff that interests your target audience — ranging from good programs, selection process, financial aid, campus facilities, etc.
Social Media:
In addition to a website, other popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have a great reach, especially amongst the young strata of society, and must be used effectively to connect with people. These platforms may appear to be a passive communication system; however, their popularity and many features place them on an even higher pedestal than a simple website.
Social Media is a great mode to stay in touch with clients for all kinds of industries such as Hospitality, Travel, Educational Consultancies, and so on. However, having a social media account is not enough. A recent survey shows that 40% of users expect a brand to respond to them within the first hour of connecting, and nearly 80% expect a response within the first 24 hours.
Direct Communication
While digital media can help reach out to a much larger audience, there is no substitute for direct communication. One-to-one talk, pep talk, human interaction, etc are the best means of communication. Remember, personal endorsement and word of mouth spread would get you certain clients.
There are many direct ways of communication like phone calls, video calls, emails, text messages, chat apps, live streams, etc.
A personal phone call to the clients would make them feel important and provide an excellent opportunity to discuss a large number of aspects and help in allying their concerns. Rather than being an aggressive seller, it would pay to be consultative, informal, and conversational.
If you are an Educational consultancy, you can schedule phone calls to your students on their birthdays. This small gesture would go a long way and would not be easily forgotten. Your customers will appreciate it, they’ll think of you if they need additional services or products in the future.
Video Calls
An even better alternative to a phone call is a video call or a video chat. Apps like Zoom, Skype, Google Duo, Instagram live etc. are great modes to connect with people. They are now the next best option for a physical meeting (especially during the current pandemic period). Chat apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp are also very effective.
You can also share live data like brochures, statistics etc, and continue with face-to-face discussions. Of course, the need for a stable, high speed internet is essential, however, low-resolution videos are still acceptable as long as there is a human being on the screen.
Livestreams or Webinars
Hosting a webinar or a live stream allows an avenue for broadcasting information, group discussions, and live interaction with many prospective clients. Live question and answer sessions, demonstrations etc, provide a good opportunity at a very less cost. A one-on-one phone/ video call can always follow this up.
Direct mail/E-mails :
Mailing information is another good way to keep in touch, direct mailing could be used to send personalized content including handwritten notes to ensure personal touch.
E-mails, on the other hand, are an instant medium of communications and send across information in the form of videos, brochures, data, online posts, links to websites, etc. Remember that the younger generation prefers the electronic form of communication.
Start a Referral Program:
Referral programs can rarely go wrong. They are an excellent mode to reward your existing clients as well as get on board with the new ones. There are lots of options for rewards, whether you’re a service or product-based business, for example, cash bonus for every new client they bring, a certain % off on next monthly bill, a free product and so on.
If a client has enjoyed working with you, the loyalty rewards will act as an added incentive for them to recommend you. Make sure that you choose the rewards in such a way that they fit in with your business and are also helpful for your customers.
With so many mediums available at our fingertips, choosing the most viable medium for communication becomes a tough choice. Mimic their communication style. The best way is to allow your clients to indicate their preferences or take the lead from how they choose to communicate with you. If the client sends an email, best would be to first reply through an email. If it’s social media, respond through the same channel.
Mirroring your client’s communication is one of the easiest ways to exhibit your understanding of clients’ needs and your endeavour to accommodate them. As the connection becomes more assertive, businesses should also use other methods of communication.
Author details:
Hemang Rami
Hemang Rami is a Certified Digital Marketing Consultant and Founder of Roasmatters, a marketing agency providing SEO services. He has 13+ years of experience in Google Ads & Paid Marketing.