Creating your blog site or website is a great way to share your ideas and thoughts with the outside world. Whether you want to post pictures of your latest trip or write about the things you are passionate about. Sharing thoughts, educating, or showing a glimpse of your own life is an exciting way of earning money. Many people are drawn towards blogging these days.

WordPress is a great tool that will help you grow in this field of your passion.

Almost every person in today’s world is on the internet therefore, it becomes important to learn new skills and keep ourselves updated with new technologies. 

Building your website is like building your own house. You can learn everything you want about how to put bricks on top of one another, how to lay pipes, how to build it but still you are not fully ready to build that house! 

Why? Because you haven’t designed it yet! You are not ready with the mind mapping or blueprint of the house. And any builder who tells you that you should learn to build first is an idiot and he is not qualified to do so.


The first step is design! If you want to build a new website then start with the first step.

But what should it have? What should it do? Like a house, how many rooms do you want? How big should the kitchen be? And the bathroom? A garden? One floor or multiple floors? How much space is available? What kind of building materials? That’s where you would start when you want to build a house and that’s where you should start building a website.

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Once your design is done, you should look for the best tools available in the market to get it started.

 If you want a blog then forget learning HTML and just install WordPress on your server or some other ready-to-use solution in which you do not have to do the entire job by yourself

Here is a top wordpress design and development company. Which makes your dream of making a new website or blog site come true. Using wordpress will help you design your website according to your expectations and the themes that you have selected. It will help you with additional features that you can add free of cost or sometimes pay for more advanced features.


  • You can create a wordpress website without anyone’s help.
  •  Wordpress is free software and most of the hosting companies have a click to install option. so you don’t need to worry about installation. 
  • WordPress includes a lot of free themes so you don’t need to hire a developer, you can search themes and install them on the wordpress dashboard itself. 
  • WordPress supports blogs like Personal blogs, Online portfolios,eCommerce sites, Or any other site.

There are plenty of solutions that don’t make you do much work while building a website.

-In short, if you do need to build, you will have to look at the design and determine which tools would be best to use. 

Start thinking about what you want to design first. Then pick the tools that would fit best to build it.

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You do not have to have any type of technical knowledge just take with you some money and big passion. The creation of a website is not that big of a deal.

Following are the steps that you have to follow to create your website or blog site.

1-Getting a domain name.

2-Buy hosting.

3-Installation of WordPress.

4-Logging  into the WordPress dashboard.

5-Customisation of your site‘s appearance.

6-Adding features with plugins.

Now if you want to write your first blog and post it click on the Posts » Add New menu in your WordPress dashboard. 

You will see an editor space where you can write your first blog and post it. Once you’re done with the writing, you can proceed and click on the Publish button which is on the right to publish. Your first blog post to the world

About The Author

Hermit Chawla is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by top responsive web design services. He loves to share his thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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