How to Raise Roads in Cities: Skylines?

How to Raise Roads in Cities: Skylines?

The primary method of achieving grade disconnection is to handle road height, enabling traffic to pass with limited involvement. Raised and underpass roads allow transportation to move more quickly and smoothly because they eliminate the necessity to stop road signs lights, although they have the disadvantage of not allowing zoning beside them, expelling some workable space. A few buildings can be slightly located beneath raised roads (relying on the altitude of the route), but raised roads generally require support foundations, limiting the space available beneath them.

While pulling the road, use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN buttons to alter the road altitude. When the page up/down buttons on a Mac keypad are not labeled, the keyboard pairings are Fn +up or Fn +down. By tapping upon that vertical line next to the roadways, users can change the altitude step expansion (the alteration in height managed to cause by tapping PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN once). The height step is set to 12 meters by default, and that can be changed to 3, 6, or 12 meters.

Elevated roads

The size of the floor upon which route is built determines the altitude of the road. This implies that not enough roads with the same portion of elevation gain should be the same level. The steepness of a road slope is limited. Also there is a restriction to the height of a road. Over a certain peak, roads become gateways.

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The ongoing maintenance cost for raised roads often becomes 2-to-3 times that of the surface variant from the same road. The basic ground Freeways road, for example, seems to have a continuing upkeep cost of.96/week/cell. A one-tier rising, raised road of the same form has a maintenance cost of $2.08/week/cell.

How to elevate roads

If you’d like to learn how to elevate roads in Cities: Skylines, first go into road construction mode and choose a route type. When a route is chosen for location, elevation can be moved up and down by tapping Page Up or Page Down.

If users change the altitude before starting to build a road, the overall road section would be the same height. However, if users elevate or lower the altitude after you’ve begun placing, the road will generate an uphill from the initial height to the greater peak you’ve selected.

On the consoles, the procedure is equivalent: insert the roads construction mode and choose a road to start building. To alter the height, click the radial pad down or up.

On the PC edition of the game, users can also adjust the size of every elevation gain by clicking the Elevation Step toolbar, which cycles through the various altitude steps accessible. Because raised roads might go up or down in other constructions and road structures, expertise of road height can make or break traffic management in the town. So, take a little time to experiment with road altitude!

If elevation controls are not working

If the roadways are still not increased upon following the protocol outlined above, this is what we should do:

  • Navigate to the menu bar of Cities: Skylines.
  • Choose “Options.”
  • Navigate to the “Keymapping” subsection.
  • Scroll to the bottom to find “Build Elevation Up” and “Build Elevation Down.”
  • These extensions will illustrate to you which buttons are currently appointed to your change altitude type. If they don’t have any keys assigned to them, press on their appropriate boxes and plot the keys for every action.
  • To alter the command, tap the folder that displays the mapping and press the keyboard key that you want to allocate the control to.
  • Then, return to the city and check the controls.
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Tool to elevate roads

Fine road tool

This mod helps to set sharper road altitude steps as well as various building modes.


  • Normal (Nrm): The behavior of unmodified road placement.
  • Ground (Gnd): Compels the ground to pursue the road’s altitude. This also has a downward effect (sunken roads).
  • Elevated (Elv): If the particular road form has it, it compels the use of elevated pieces, also at 0m and underneath.
  • Bridge (Bdg): As above, however with bridge parts.
  • Tunnel (Tnl): Construct tunnels, whether underground or above ground.


So, if you want to elevate the road you should use page up and down keys in PC edition and Fn + up and Fn + down in the Mac. We can also use fine road tools to elevate the roads as mentioned above. Hope this article will be helpful for you guys.

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Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.