How To Rank Higher On Google In 2022

How To Rank Higher On Google In 2022

Nothing can be more frustrating than to see your website rank on the second page of Google, in spite of your continued efforts to climb higher in search engine rankings. The second page of Google might as well be the last. Only the first five results receive clicks. 75% of people will never scroll past the first page on an online search. Therefore, your website should show up in the first search results. In other words, maximize how often users find your business in local search results. In today’s competitive market, SEO marketing is more important than ever. 

Conquer Google from all over the world with your site. Just so you know, what works in your region or country might not work well abroad. If you want to establish a presence in the UK, for example, collaborate with an SEO agency in London. There’s a difference between ranking in and in looks for regional links, so Internet users see results that are area-specific. 

If you want to climb the Google ladder, there are a few tips to keep in mind. With a little time and strategy, you can improve your position in the SERPs.

Claim Your Google Authorship

According to John Mueller, author pages aren’t a ranking factor, but they can help build trust with the audience. And visitors who trust your website will most likely recommend your content to others. A good quality author bio helps Google evaluate your “expert” author, which is useful in terms of E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) and YMYL (Your Money or Your Life). It’s recommended to include a link to the author’s page to eliminate doubt about who wrote the article. This can include author profiles, links to previously written articles, and some biographical information. 

Create an author page on your website or blog, and offer detailed information. If your blog has several authors, create separate pages for each one. Every author should have a Google Plus account. You can create a bio on Google Plus, much like any other social network. Make sure to include essential keywords. Most importantly, link your article pages to their corresponding author pages on your site. A good, recognizable headshot is of the essence. As much as people love to read the words, they’re curious about what the author looks like. 

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Include LSI Keywords

From an SEO standpoint, using LSI keywords yields positive results, as you’re able to boost contextuality (by using them in your content) and enhance search visibility. LSI keywords are keywords that are semantically linked to a target keyword or search query. If you’re talking about cold brew coffee, LSI keywords might include temperature, ice, filter, and so on. As you can see, they’re not synonyms, but words and phrases connected to your main keyword. They help Google understand the overall topic of the page. A digital marketing agency can help you find the keywords that are the most relevant. 

Find LSI keywords in your industry and use them on your website. It’s not complicated at all. You just have to replace a few instances of your main keyword with an LSI keyword. It’s advisable to use an LSI keyword for every 300 words or so. Using LSI keywords will help improve topical depth. It’s a time-consuming tactic, but it allows you to develop content that meets Google’s standards for content that deserves a high rank. Topical depth isn’t about keyword density. What matters is creating helpful, informative, expert content. 

Beat Google Title Rewrites

Google has started replacing title tags in the SERPs. Roughly 80% percent of a site’s title is rewritten. More often than not, the title tag is replaced with the page’s H1 tag. The question now is: Why? The answer is simple: to reach more people and make Google more beneficial to more businesses. A relevant text is extracted from the site and displayed as the title in the SERPs. It would be best to evaluate these title rewrites, as you can learn a lot. For instance, Google Title rewrites are shorter, meaning that you should make an effort to improve readability. 

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Google is renowned for running A/B in live search results, so it’s possible that this is only a passing trend. Or we’re witnessing a permanent change. Regardless, you should take a step back and refocus on title tag optimization. Maybe your title is missing important keywords or perhaps it contains useless or unimportant information. Either way, figure it out. The search engine uses the title tag as the blue link in the SERPs. This means that the content can make or break the decision for a user to click on the link. 

Optimise Content to Get Featured Snippets

Chances are that you’ve seen featured snippets before, it’s just that you weren’t paying close attention. They’re the first results that pop up when you enter something into the Google search query. The content that appears at the top of the results is pulled from the web pages in Google’s index. The decision of what to put in the snippet is based on how accurately it can answer the question. Given that Internet users are more intentional and specific than ever in the way they formulate their queries, featured snippets play a stronger role. 

Building referral traffic is hard, but certainly not impossible. When looking to optimize for featured snippets, focus your attention on: 

  • Paragraph featured snippets
  • Listicle featured snippets
  • Table featured snippets
  • Video featured snippets

Use a keyword research tool to understand whether a query triggers featured results. Plus, you can discover your competition’s strengths and weaknesses. If you’d like to explore the topic some more, use People Also Ask, which can display large volumes of information. After having identified the search queries where you rank high, ask your readers, customers, and followers what questions they have. It can give you a completely new perspective on things. Have the content ready, double-check it, implement SEO tactics. Continue optimizing the content until you achieve a featured snippet. 


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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