How To Reset A Kindle Fire

How To Reset A Kindle Fire

Kindle is an amazing device that is very helpful for you to read your favorite books, novels, and whatever you want. There are various kindle devices in the market that are also going to help you browse the content online. You will be able to stream your favorite movies and TV-series.

However, there are at times, when there are some issues that you can face with your kindle. These issues cannot be easily averted and there are some steps that you need to take.

One of the processes that you can follow is to reset the kindle. Now there are going to be various users who might not know how to reset kindle. Well, there are some steps that you need to follow in order to resolve the issues.

Now, this is what you need to do when you face an issue that cannot be resolved easily. Today in this guide we are going to help you understand whether how will you be able to perform the steps of resetting the kindle fire and how will you be able to resolve the issues with them.

Hard reset:

It is true that you can have various issues with your kindle. With the help of the soft reset, you are unable to fix it, then it is time that when you need to know how to reset a kindle with factory settings. Well, this is the way of hard reset and this is going to delete all your data from the kindle fire.

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It will restore your kindle to its original state, then it is among the best ideas when you are looking to sell your kindle or are looking to give it away. This is going to prevent all the private information from falling into the wrong hands.

After you are done with the hard reset make sure the issue is resolved. If you see that the issue is resolved, then it is fine. Check whether it is performing better or not.

Soft reset:

Typically when you reset your Kindle fire, it means you have to restart it. This would be the first thing you have to do if your Kindle is frozen and doesn’t function correctly. You have to tie the infant to the wall socket before you carry out the gentle reset. This problem may be attributable to a lesser fee. Click and hold the power button for a minimum of 20 seconds afterward.

This will cause your baby to turn off, frozen or not. A standard control icon is placed on the power button on some Kindle fire models. Be sure that you keep the button until you see the panel is completely removed.

Allow your Kindle to charge a little bit at least for 10 minutes. If you think that your kindle is fully charged, then you can easily skip this step. If you think the kindle is not charging, then difficulty might be in the cable itself.

When you see that your kindle is somewhat charged, then press the power button to switch on the Kindle. Now you may proceed to check whether the kindle fire is working or not.

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If you still don’t know how to reset a kindle fire then you can get in touch with the official experts. They are skilled and experienced and will provide you with the best solutions.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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