How to Survive Quarantine: A Guide for Teenagers

2020 has been a tough year for everyone. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic took over the world in February, we haven’t been able to get back to our normal routines. With that said, it’s fair to say that life will never be the same anymore. Living in isolation, social distancing in gatherings, limiting meet-ups, sanitizing, and wearing masks is the new normal now. However, not everyone adjusted to the new normal smoothly. Businesses shut down, schools moved online, startups collapsed, and restaurants stopped operating. This took a huge toll on everyone’s mental health.
Teenagers in 2020 are more likely to face anxiety, depression, and mental distress than they did the previous years. What you do between the age of 13 to 19 is critical for character development, and due to the pandemic taking over, this age group, unfortunately, has had to suffer in isolation. The school year coming to a halt doesn’t only mean a loss in studies. It’s a loss of opportunities and achievements as well. Unfortunately, senior year students and freshman students couldn’t celebrate their overwhelming achievements like graduation, prom, musicals, or mini basketball victories, to name a few.
While many people are going through this phase together, this time was supposed to be a turning point for teenagers as they transition into adulthood. The experiences they carry forward shape them into the people they will be. Social distancing blues is a real thing, and it’s difficult for teenagers to adapt to since they thrive on social connections and interactions at this age. Online classes are stressful, deadlines are frustrating, distractions at home during school hours are endless, and productivity is at an all-time low.
Quarantine and isolation have driven out all motivation from teenagers when it was supposed to be the only factor that should be helping them achieve their goals. Extroverts and introverts both had to learn this the hard way. However, mastering the art of self-isolation isn’t a huge challenge anymore, thanks to this guide. Even after online classes, you can use a lot of time to learn and explore yourself in quarantine. Wasting time is easy, but using that time to be creative and mentally present is a huge win. Let’s take a look at some ways you can stay productive in quarantine.
1. Create a schedule
Cramping up all your tasks and activities in a single day will have you exhausted in no time. Not only will you lose the sense of time, but you won’t be able to focus completely on the task at hand. You’ll find yourself worrying about the pending work that needs to be done, and that will interfere with the quality of work you’re doing. Having a schedule at hand is a great way of keeping your day-to-day organized. A proper routine to follow makes it easier for you to handle your tasks and also reduces pressure. You will also find yourself having a lot of free time in your hands to plan how exactly you want to use that time to be more productive. Maybe after your schoolwork and lunch, you can play football in the backyard, paint a new canvas or plant something in the backyard. The possibilities are endless with a routine.
Not only will it give your day-to-day structure, but it makes sure you don’t spend an extra fraction of your time making TikToks and watching Netflix all day.
2. Make a list of outdoor activities
Staying indoors 24/7 is impossible for a human. Human beings are social animals. We thrive on social connections. A dangerous pandemic has pushed people to stay inside for the sake of our safety. But, we all know how important nature is for the mental and physical wellbeing of a person. Being outside has many benefits, and not only does it help you catch a fresh breath of air, but it greatly helps you unwind from negative thoughts and stress.
However, now with the ongoing pandemic, it’s important to take care of guidelines and keep a 6 ft. distance from one another when you’re meeting people. You can go for a walk, do some laps, practice football, basketball, or any of your favorite sports, read a book at a park, visit the beach or grab some snacks and laze around. If you’re a gym freak and miss going to the gym, you can hit the park and begin your cardio under the sky with some fresh air.
No human contact or natural interactions can limit the brain’s power to work efficiently. It’s important to step outside once in a while and make sure your mental and physical health is in check.
3. Make a list to binge-watch shows
Thanks to technology, we now have more than one source of entertainment. Cable TV, internet, and social platforms help us stay up to date with the world’s ongoing events. Binge-watching shows at this time is not such a bad idea. You can finally catch up on your favorite shows on Netflix. If you’re a fan of cable TV and love watching original programming, you’ll be excited to know that DIRECTV adds some amazing classical programming to your entertainment buffet. You will find the cable TV provider covers every genre on the plate. DIRECTV packages offer you more TV choices in HD at cut-throat prices!
Make a list of all the shows and movies you had to catch up on and stream them with some deliciously buttered popcorn.
4. Read a book
Having all this time is often a blessing in disguise. It simply means you can do whatever you were planning to do but couldn’t because you didn’t have time. If you’re not a reader, but you planned to start, now is a perfect time. Reading is actually fun, especially when you’re in you’re isolated in your room with a withering imagination. Being able to read and transport to a whole other world is nothing short of incredible. Your ability to visualize text and imagine is considered useless when you’re not reading, which isn’t true, but reading surely helps it become better and better with time.
5. Hang out virtually
We know how important staying connected is. Social distancing limits any physical interactions, but that doesn’t mean you completely get cut off from your friends. Thanks to technology, we now have Skype, Zoom, Face Time, Netflix Party, and more. These platforms have gained plenty of recognition in the past few months. Join your friends virtually and stay connected during such difficult times.
It’s fair to say that teenagers specifically have become resilient, strong, and comfortable with the slow pace of life now. Keeping mental health in check is super important no matter how fun or grave the situation at hand might look, so follow this guide and spend a happy quarantine!
Baldwin Jackson is a successful digital marketer with expertise in search engine optimization and content marketing. The perfect balance of his analytical ability and creative thinking is what sets him apart from other practitioners in the digital marketing realm. He has helped a lot of small and medium-sized businesses in crafting their digital marketing strategies that are not only cost-effective but delivers results as well.
Baldwin is also a proud father of two kids and a Sports enthusiast. When he is not working, you will find him watching ESPN and NFL network. He has been able to get an amazing package on his favorite channels from