Need a location tracker to control your kids? FamiSafe provides all you need!

Need a location tracker to control your kids? FamiSafe provides all you need!

The coronavirus pandemic affected all parts of society, mainly with the consequences of social distance. Among them are children and adolescents who have significantly increased their time spent using and accessing the internet. Virtual classrooms also contribute to increasing children’s online activities.

With the coronavirus pandemic and the need for social isolation, the trend is that this number has increased significantly. This is because, in addition to fun and entertainment, the internet has also been used by educational institutions as an alternative to maintain the link with students during this period.

Given this scenario, it is time for parents to turn on the alert and redouble their attention at home on the content accessed. They might need a good location tracker. The same report showed that, during normal periods, 52% of parents did not know anything about what their children were doing online. Children are now good at hiding what they access on the Internet. Even some of them are accustomed to protecting their devices with a password or certain patterns. This is really worrying.

The fact is when the quarantine developments are beginning to appear, especially in the economy, it is understandable that other issues are the focus of parents’ concern and anxiety. Digital security needs to be a point of attention, especially with the growth of virtual scams in this period. More than ever, controlling digital content is a security issue for the whole family.

The control of how they navigate and what they access needs to be added to the dialogue and family agreements. Technological monitoring alone is not enough. It is necessary to fulfill the role of educating them.

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Parental control apps for smartphones and tablets

Since children are being educated online, it is important to look for online parental control and monitoring solutions. And we are not short of options! In addition to generating weekly, monthly reports and having the location function, applications such as FamiSafe Parental Control App deepen the protection. Blocking offensive terms, suspicious links and download control are some of the functions available for all operating systems. Thus, parents who have an iPhone or any Android device can rest assured. Installing the same application on your phone and your child’s phone you can now monitor everything that happens.

In the most technical sense, there are devices and programs available on different streaming platforms, internet search browsers, app stores, and video game consoles that work as a filter. This helps to shorten (but not eliminate) the time of follow-up by adults.

What is FamiSafe?

FamiSafe is a location tracker but unlike other trackers, it does more than just a tracker. Yes, FamiSafe functions as a kid’s online activity controller, allowing every parent to sleep well and leave everything to this app. Is it true?

Of course!

FamiSafe has the following main features, and once you know all of them, you will realize that this software is the best solution for you.

Activity Report

With this feature, you can find out your children’s daily online activities. You can also find out what applications they have installed or even removed. Everything is under your control and they can’t hide anything from you.

App Usage & Blocker

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With this feature, you can block applications that are not appropriate for their age, for example, online dating apps. You can also block the apps they are addicted to.

Screen Time

With this feature, limiting screen time can be done on a regular schedule. You can block their devices at certain places and times. If you block during school hours then they cannot play with their device while they are studying in class.

Web Content

You don’t want your kids to access adult websites. With this feature, you can block websites that you think are dangerous for your children.

Parental Alerts

This feature allows you to receive alerts when anything inappropriate or inappropriate gets into your children’s device. For example disturbing content, suspicious photos, and so on. You can react quickly before it’s too late.

Family Locator

With this feature, you can find out their real-time location. You won’t lose contact as long as they have their phone with you.

Interested? You can download this application via one of the following three links:

Google Play  

App Store

Amazon Store

How about the pricing?

FamiSafe provides three pricing modes; monthly, quarterly, and yearly.

Monthly: $9.99/month

Quarterly: $19.99/3 months

Yearly: $59.9/year


We have tried this application and came to a conclusion. This app is the best you can get. Its features are very complete and useful. This is not just a tracker and also not just a controller, but also a tool to educate your children to do healthy online activities. Hopefully this article can be useful for you. Thanks for reading.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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