6 Strategies to Impress Online Customers with Packaging

6 Strategies to Impress Online Customers with Packaging

Packaging is a critical part of any business, and considering how much time customers spend looking at the packaging before they buy a product, it’s a good idea to make your packaging stand out. The right design can draw attention to your products while also protecting them from damage during transport. Here are some steps you can take to impress your customers with packaging:

1.  Use Thermal Pallet Covers

To ensure that the products you ship are in great condition, use thermal pallet covers.

Thermal pallet covers can keep products warm or cold. This is especially useful for items like milk and cheese that need to be kept at a certain temperature to remain fresh. They can also be used to keep products dry during shipping, which is ideal for items like electronics and produce that can easily be damaged by water damage. And they will also help protect your product from dirt or insects, making them ideal for items like food products where cleanliness is important or electronics that may attract dust over time due to their nature as electronic devices.

2.  Avoid Excess Empty Space

Excess empty space can have a negative effect on the consumer’s perception of your brand. To avoid this, keep in mind these strategies:

  • Use smaller boxes or bags to pack items.
  • Use smaller packaging materials, such as bubble wrap and Styrofoam peanuts.
  • Use smaller containers for liquids and other small items that come in glass bottles or jars.
  • Make sure that any large items are packaged in pallets small enough to fit through standard-sized doorways if possible and if not possible, consider using a forklift instead of a pallet jack to move it around once it’s already been delivered.
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3.  Choose Poly Lined Boxes and Bags

Poly-lined boxes and bags are a good alternative to paper. They are stronger, more durable and more environmentally friendly than the standard paper box. Poly liners are often made of a blend of recycled materials that are heat sealed together with a heat-resistant resin. These types of packaging can be reused multiple times without losing their strength or shape, so they’re an excellent choice if your products will be used outdoors or will be frequently handled by customers in retail settings. However, they are more expensive than paper products, but they last longer on average, so this makes sense from both an economic perspective (fewer replacements) as well as an environmental one (less waste).

4.  Place Smaller Items in Separate Boxes

Consider packing smaller items separately. If you have a single large item, such as a book, it can be tempting to pack it in the same box as everything else. However, this is not always ideal. If the customer has ordered multiple small items that can go into the same box together (such as pens), then consider using a separate box for those items. This will allow you to use a smaller box for each item and minimize their packaging costs.

By doing this you are telling your customers:

  • You respect them enough to give them more than what they paid for
  • You care about their time and money

5.  Invest in Branded Packaging

If you want to make an impression on your customers, consider investing in branded packaging. You can add brand messages and designs that will be visible every time someone opens their package. Branding is important because it’s the first touchpoint with your customer. It gives them a sense of familiarity and helps them feel more comfortable with making purchases from you again in the future. What’s more, they may even recommend you to others.

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6.  Design Packaging

Design packaging is an important part of the online shopping experience. When you’re online, you can’t physically feel and examine a product before buying it, so it’s up to the packaging to show what’s inside. This is the reason many companies desire luxury product packaging to appeal to the customer.

To design appealing packaging, consider these four factors:

  • Colour scheme: Your choice of colours can make or break your product’s appeal. Make sure that the colours you use are pleasing and easy on the eye, but don’t go overboard by using too many bright hues or neon shades. This can be overwhelming for customers who may not be familiar with your brand yet.
  • Typography: Use clean and simple fonts that are easy to read at a glance; bold typefaces like Comic Sans or Arial will only detract from your image as a professional business owner. You also want to consider whether there are any words included in the design (perhaps it has instructions printed on its surface), in which case it might be better suited within another layer rather than directly onto your package itself so as not to interfere with how attractive it looks overall without being distracting when viewing multiple options at once.


The packaging of your products is an important part of the overall customer experience. It can be a key differentiator for brands that want to stand out in an online landscape where there’s so much competition. The strategies above are just some examples of how online shoppers can be impressed by your products’ packaging and make them more likely to buy from your company again.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.