Techniques for Cracking Wireless Networks

Because we’re going to learn everything there is to know about cracking WiFi networks today. everything from methods to equipment. The time has come to initiate action.
Introduction to WiFi Security Concepts
As with any other aspect of hacking, knowing the ins and outs of the systems you plan to attack is essential. This necessitates an in-depth familiarity with the inner workings of WiFi in order to successfully hack it.
Here we will examine:
Problems with wireless security
Let’s use an analogy to better grasp the insecure nature of WiFi communications.
What do you do when you need to confide in someone with an extremely top-secret piece of information?
If I understand you correctly, you sneak up on them while they’re alone and whisper to them.
Using a megaphone, would you proclaim it? Obviously not; it would be too loud.
Yes, someone might be able to figure out what you’re trying to say even if you yelled it in a foreign language. That pretty much sums up every issue with wireless communication.
WiFi transmits its signal to many users simultaneously.
Leakage and the possibility of someone collecting and analyzing it still exist, even if you use a very focused antenna to transmit it.
Even though wired networks are still vulnerable to tapping, wireless ones are much simpler to sniff. For example, in order to sniff network traffic on a wired network in an enterprise, an attacker would need to gain physical access to the building.
However, if they had wireless, they could simply park in the garage and begin monitoring traffic from there.
That’s one of WiFi’s primary flaws: anyone can simply connect to it.
The insecurity of WEP has been widely known.
The security of any company still relying on it should be trivial to breach.
Over the past decade, numerous demonstrations have been performed on how to hack WiFi networks using WEP security, and PCI standards have officially begun prohibiting it. The WEP implementation of the initialization vector (IV) is a major flaw.
To those unfamiliar with cryptography, an IV is simply a value that is appended to the plain text in order to introduce some randomness into the cipher text that is generated.
In cryptography, one of the fundamental ideas is to introduce as much randomness as possible. The difficulty of decryption is increased as a result.
Hacking WiFi with Specialized Hardware
Has the inability to get your wireless NIC to function properly stymied your attempts to learn or practice wireless hacking?
This is due to the fact that essential hacking features are not present on every wireless network card.
We’ll discuss the specifics of those requirements and the USB WiFi adapters that can meet them in this article.
Change your Media Access Control number with macchanger.
If you need access to a system that relies on MAC filtering for security, you can do so in a remarkably simple way. Spoofing your MAC address will allow you to masquerade as a trusted device on the network.
What is the procedure for faking a Mac address?
Let’s check it out.
After discovering a device’s valid MAC address through scanning the WLAN, you can select it as the one you wish to impersonate.
This address can be spoofed with the help of macchanger.
By default, Kali Linux is installed. Initiate by issuing the command to disable the wireless interface. Fill in the name of your wireless NIC here.
Thenof course, replacing the MAC address that you discovered to be whitelisted. The interface is then brought back up with the following message: “Sometimes the systems will have more robust MAC filtering in place and this won’t work.” They may have dynamic arp inspection or port security enabled to prevent MAC spoofing, in which case you’ll need to find another entry point.