The Best Ways To Spend Your Leisure Time Online

From playing cards with others online or listening to music and relaxing, there are many ways in which you can have a nice time. If you want to know some more different ideas to spend leisure time online, below are some interesting ways.

Watching or streaming live gaming videos online

Twitch live streaming platform is a wonderful way to stay entertained online. From gaming to sports and music and continuous interaction, there is so much on Twitch. One of the best ways to spend your free time is watching or streaming live gaming videos on Twitch. Many gamers even earn a livelihood by streaming their videos on Twitch. If you are into gaming, and already have a Twitch account, you can go for Twitch growth services to increase your Twitch popularity via increased followers.

Doing online courses

Another way to spend your time online is by enrolling in some online hobby courses. There are courses for learning musical instruments, singing, calligraphy, fashion designing, cooking, pet training, and so on. These also act as stress busters and allow one to have a relaxing and fruitful time. Pursuing a hobby Twitch Follower Bot gives an immense sense of satisfaction and happiness while increasing confidence.

Learning how to cook from online videos

Another interesting task that you can do is learn to cook different recipes and cuisines from the online videos. You can either follow the cooking channels on YouTube and other platforms or join an online cooking class. The year 2020 saw a huge flow of traffic to these YouTube channels and cooking websites. People from all around the world tried to experiment with their skills in the kitchen due to the pandemic. This is not only productive work but also fun. It will keep you busy and the results will be fruitful.

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Reading books online

A study revealed that about 191 million ebooks were sold online in the US in 2020 when the country was in lockdown due to the pandemic. The practice of reading hard copy books is somehow dwindling in this digital world. People are now exploring e-books and switching to platforms like Kindle, Wattpad, Inkitt, Radish, and so on.


With these online sites, not only will you be able to read the works of famous authors but also explore some undiscovered genres and unique works from amateur writers. These books are not yet published globally in paperback form. But they sure are winning a lot of appreciation from readers worldwide.

Surfing the web

You can also surf interesting, funny, and educational sites on the internet depending on your mood. They are sites like HowStuffWorks, Lifehacker, Giphy, Google Maps Street View, Zillow, WaitButWhy (interesting articles), The Oatmeal (library of amazing content), Supercook (ingredients and recipes you can cook using them), LEGO Videos, Gravity Points (digital pen), and many more.

Final thoughts

These are just a few examples of how you can spend your time doing something productive and interesting online. You can try some other things also like joining online yoga classes, learning some craftwork, starting a blog or a YouTube channel, and so on.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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