Want to be a PPC specialist? Here are a few tips on how to start your career.

Want to be a PPC specialist? Here are a few tips on how to start your career.

What does PPC mean and what is the main responsibility of a PPC specialist

(At the beginning it is very important to know what PPC means and what is a PPC specialist´s main responsibility. )

If you advertise in Google you are using PPC (pay per click) .

It means that you have to pay for every click on your ads people have made.

PPC can help you to bring:

  • traffic on your website,
  • improve visibility,
  • identify new leads,
  • increase more conversions.

You have made a great decision to become a PPC specialist because nowadays there is a lack of them. Our online word is getting bigger and bigger that’s why the word needs people with technical skills. If you don’t have them don’t be sorry.

Here are few tips how to learn about PPC and became a good PPC specialist:

1.   Study, study, study … and once more study

It’s the same as with walking when you were a child, you have to learn it. Same thing with PPC you need to study and learn from the basics.

The internet offers many good resources with the information you need to know about PPC, there are also many books about online marking that you can put into practice.

Always be careful because there are many changes from day to day in marketing.

You need to learn from relevant sources for example:

  • Blogs and books are available on the internet; you just need to search for good ones.
  • Videos are a great option for studying especially for people who prefer watching video instead of reading. Videos are always very creative and it is interesting to learn from them.
  • Google Skill Shop is one of the best ways to learn about PPC and marketing at all. GSS offers an opportunity to get a certification after you pass a test.

relevant sources

You don’t have to be worried, the tests are for free and you can do them more than once If it doesn´t work out on the first try. The certifications can help you get a new job or internship in your future, don´t be afraid to share it in your CV.

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2.   Be part of the PPC specialists group

It does not mean you have to sit next to one right now, of course, that is the best option but there are many online groups you can be part of. You find them on Facebook or LinkedIn or  search for online groups and forums.

Don´t be afraid to ask If you have any questions and uncertainties. These people will be happy to help you. They know how it feels to be a beginner. You may feel annoyed but If you do not ask, you will never know.

3.   Learn the structure of your Google Ads account

It is very easy, you just need to register in Google AdWords and sign in. Examine each section of settings, it will take some time for you to learn how to work with Google Ads. For the first time It can look difficult. You need to practise everyday to make it easier for you to work in.

4.   Create your trial campaign

As a beginner, you need to practise, so it is best for you to create a trial campaign to learn about all the possibilities Google Ads has to offer. You need to set up your campaign and fill in all the required information.

For your campaign it´s is necessary to use keywords. There is also a keyword planner in Google Ads which can give you new ideas for keywords. It shows you the suggested bid and the average monthly searches too.

Keep in mind that the information may not be completely accurate.

5.   Download a Google Ads editor

Google AdWords editor is a perfect tool which can help you to make your work easier. It has many benefits, you can:

  • manage your campaigns in bulk,
  • review your changes before posting,
  • track important campaign metrics like click through rate, cost, position, and conversion information

The best way to learn more about this tool is to download it and try it.

6.   Optimize your campaigns

Optimizing your campaigns is very important you should do it every month to get the most out of it. Here are a few tips on how to optimize your campaigns.

  • Optimize your keywords list

It’s very important to find keywords which have a Click Through Rate (CTR) of less than 1% because these keywords will not bring you any customer to your website. You need to eliminate them. You can also add new keywords, there are many keywords tools which can help you to find the right ones.

  • Pause the most expensive keywords
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By pausing the most expensive keywords that have not received any conversions in the last 3 months you can reduce your costs. Do the same for keywords with fewest impressions and clicks.

  • A/B testing

You can also test your copy or landing pages. It will help you to get better. When each ad has received more than 100 impressions, pause the ad with the lowest CTR, and create a new one, more relevant ad by copying and modifying the ad with the highest CTR.


Why become a PPC specialist?

AB testing

If you are interested in advertising and you are close to digital marketing, the work of a PPC specialist is suitable for you. This work includes strategic thinking connected with a little creativity. Your work will be mostly behind the computer, but you will also not miss communication with clients. As a PPC specialist, you will definitely not be bored. However, explaining your job to your grandmother can be quite interesting and more difficult.

Why is the position of PPC specialist so interesting?

  • as a PPC specialist, you will get “ the sixth sense”. You will become a mind reader of your customers… It is just a wish of all PPC specialists, but doing this position is a good way to learn about your customers’ thinking, needs and desires.

With the right settings of ads, the PPC specialist can bring them to the website, where they can buy the required products. He must fully understand the needs of his audience.

PPC specialist

  • More curious about this position is monitoring how many users came to the website, how much time they spent there, and on which subpages they stayed on.

It is interesting, isn’t it?

The main task of PPC specialists is:

  • creating advertising campaigns,
  • copywriting,
  • running and testing campaigns,
  • measuring and optimizing conversions,
  • keyword testing.

Does a PPC specialist need to have special features and skills?

As a PPC specialist, you will be an expert on your customer’s problems, needs, and wants. Your responsibility will be to satisfy the needs and wishes of customers. This position requires certain features and skills:

  • enthusiasm for digital marketing
  • an ability to create ads
  • strategic thinking
  • an ability to understand the needs and wants of the target audience

The most important thing is that you must keep learning because marketing is constantly evolving. This applies not only to PPC specialists but also to every other marketing position.  It is necessary to keep checking the newest industry trends.

The work of a PPC specialist is very interesting but it can also be demanding, but don’t be discouraged, it’s up to you how much time and energy you can devote to it.

It’s all about practice, you’ve just taken a significant step ahead on the road to your PPC specialist career. Don’t forget that we were all beginners, if this is something you want to do in life, go for it.

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Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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