What Is a Good Engagement Rate on Instagram?

What Is a Good Engagement Rate on Instagram?
Businessman touching 'ENGAGE' word on virtual screen - can indicate customer engagement and marketing

Do you want to use Instagram to boost your social media outreach, but you do not know what constitutes a good engagement rate on this platform? Unfortunately, most users get confused when calculating this rate, and that is how they fail to measure their success. So, what is a good engagement rate on Instagram?

The engagement rate on this platform depends on the size of your audience, your industry, and your style of content. You may get 1k followers but your engagement will not be calculated based on the only fact of followers. You can calculate it by adding up likes and comments, dividing them by the number of your followers, and multiplying them by 100. If you get anything between 1% and 5%, that is a good engagement rate.

This article will help you know how to get that good engagement rate and get the best social media marketing campaigns.

How to Improve Your Engagements Rate on Instagram

To ensure that your engagement rate grows, you have to understand the things that appeal to your audience. In addition, you need to know what they expect to see when they visit your profile. This will not be easy if you do not interact with them regularly.

Some of the factors that you should be thinking about include the following:

  • Your Images
  • The quality of videos
  • How you generate content
  • Your authenticity
  • How you respond to questions

You cannot generate quality content for an audience that you do not know, and therefore, you have to start by knowing who they are. Use various methods to know their average age, where they live, their careers, and many other things. When you know them better, you will find it easy to create content that appeals to them and makes them react in various ways.

Share the Best Images

On Instagram, images determine how much people interact with you, and therefore, you have to ensure that you are sharing the best. If you share poor-quality videos, few people will be interested in knowing the message you are trying to pass. Therefore, you may want to invest in professional photography to create an elite brand on this platform.

The best thing about images is that you can always enhance them after the initial shoot. For instance, you can use digital tools to make them brighter or duller depending on what you want to achieve. You can also edit them and include captions whenever you want to capture the attention of everyone on this platform.

Improve the Quality of Your Videos

Like images, videos can also attract many people to your profile when they are interesting and engaging. The best way to do it is by improving the quality so that people will not get tired of watching them. For example, if you are doing a live video session, you should ensure that the camera captures all details that matter to your audience.

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Ensure that these videos are shareable so that your followers can pass them to their networks too. When you do that, more users will be coming to your profile to see if there are other videos to watch. That is how you grow your audience and increase your engagement rate on Instagram.

Be Authentic

Social media influences 71% of all buying decisions. So it is always good to polish your content, especially videos and images.

However, if you overdo it, it could end up being your worst mistake on Instagram. Although people want fine images, they are also looking for natural and real sides of things, and so they will appreciate when you are more authentic.

Do you know why live video sessions are more popular than recorded ones? Live videos portray the natural side of your brand, which makes people connect with you on another level. It also builds trust, something that will enable you to grow your engagement rate without having to struggle too much.

Focus More on User-Generated Content

Generating content based on the actions of your followers is one of the best ways to keep them glued to your profile. Instead of forcing content down their throat, let them be the source of whatever you post and share. For instance, when a follower tags you in one video, you may use it on your brand to make them know that you appreciate it.

When you generate content from what your followers do, you remain relevant and attached to their stories. You will also find it easy to get to their networks which increases your outreach. Knowing how to increase your engagements on Instagram is all about knowing how to stay relevant in your followers’ circles.

What Is a Good Engagement Rate on Instagram: Respond to Questions

How do you react when someone asks about your brand or anything else that you do online? As someone who wants to increase your engagement rate, this is the opportunity to do it fast. If people are asking questions, they are interested in your brand and are likely to buy or subscribe to whatever you are selling to them.

Always respond to questions fast because many users are not as patient as you expect. If they are asking anything, it means that they have an urgent need that should be solved. You should also respond to their comments to your posts so that they know you have seen whatever they wrote.

Use a Likes Exchange Service

Now that you know that likes and comments are the two factors that determine your engagement rate on Instagram, you need to use every opportunity to get more of them. You may find it good to build an audience organically, but the likes will be coming in slowly. So why not boost them by using a likes exchange program?

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Such services will help you boost your likes instantly, which means that your engagement rate will grow faster than you thought. The best part is that these likes come from real Instagram users even though you are exchanging them. Such a service is always available online, and you can check it out to understand how it works.

Vary Your Content

If you are the kind of Instagram user who posts the same things all the time, you have become boring to your audience. People like to see a variety of things in every situation. That is the reason you should think about diversifying your content to provide more options to your audience.

Instead of the usual texts and images, you may want to engage your followers using contests or surveys. Let them participate in some competition and see how much fun it can be. By doing so, you ensure that they share their experiences on your posts, and so, the engagement rate will grow.

Be Consistent in Posting

Another way to ensure that your Instagram followers react to your posts is to give them new content regularly. Let them have something to discuss every day because that is the only way they will like or comment on your posts. If you post occasionally, you may lose them because they will not even remember the last time they heard from you.

Apart from posting regularly, you know to know the ideal time to upload your content on this platform. With a little research, you can know when your users are online and post to get maximum reactions. It is to know about this, especially if you know about their location and lifestyles.

Call to Actions Are Effective

Although you want users to react to your content, some do not even know what you expect. That is why you should get a little proactive and tell them what to do. For example, if you include a call to action at the end of every post, you will be directing them to take the steps that will increase your engagement rate.

You do not have to always be direct with the call to action because you may appear too aggressive. However, you may use tricks such as asking simple questions to elicit answers in the comment section. You may also ask them about their opinion on a popular topic and let them respond.

Utilize Hashtags

Like any other social network, hashtags are powerful when it comes to promoting content. People can simply click on them and see All the posts that have been shared under them. That is why you should start using them strategically in your content to teach more people.

One of the best things about hashtags is that they display your posts to people who do not follow you. They may be looking for something different and stumble on your posts along the way. That helps to increase your engagement rate too.

Increase Your Instagram Engagement Rate With a Premium Service

Increasing your engagement rate helps you grow your brand. However, if you want to grow it faster, you may want to use a premium service that helps you get more likes and comments. When you do that, you will not have to ask; what is a good engagement rate on Instagram?

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Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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